Spike, that's a very interesting example re: Necromancer games.  The fact that the third type of content exists in a multi-part work does not surprise me and does not conflict with my reading of the license.

Clark has effectively (if I understand you correctly) treated his work as a compilation (like a magazine).

The question becomes: whether that third type of text is part of a "covered work"?  I'd say no, or it would be PI or OGC (per the definition of OGC, saying that any "covered work is OGC except the parts that are PI").

The next question is: if it is not "covered" then what rules apply to what you can do in that particular sandbox?

Again, my claim is not so much whether a non-covered type of text can exist between the two covers, but what rules apply to it since it is not part of the "covered work".

An interesting can of worms, Spike.

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