Ryan S. Dancey wrote:

In my opinion, you'd do well to do some research into how copyright law defines "work" before continuing this chain of logic. Ryan

I can't speak for others, but it's not *my* definition of work that is at question--it's WotC's. They're the one claiming that several books bundled together constitute "one work" and, IIRC, that a "web enhancement" and the hardcopy book it supplements constitute "one work", while simultaneously either defining the articles of a magazine as being separate works, or turning a blind eye to magazines. I just think they're being inconsistent in their stance--that a magazine is no more separate works than a web enhancement and a book, or multiple books are. Given that most of the "web enhancements" i've seen are quite explicitly designed to work on their own, and some even have their own credits, etc., i'd say they're just as distinct as an article in a magazine. Is there explicit caselaw on that specific point?

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