Subj: Re: [Ogf-l] Any work covered by the license 
Date: 9/5/2005 9:08:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: HUDarklord

In a message dated 9/4/2005 5:19:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<<However, there is nothing in the
license that says "the entire work IS OGC unless it is declared PI".

Dude, the definition of OGC says it.  It says "OGC .... means any work covered by the license... excluding the parts that are PI."

You are trying to give no meaning to part of the definition.

<<However, this interpretation fails because it is
possible to incude public domain material (such as the names of
Norse gods) in a work.>>

Irrelevant.  ANY copyrighted work, when atomized, is composed of public domain words, etc.  Treating "Thor" as special is a misunderstanding of the fact that words like "the", "a", and "game" are also public domain.

<< Since the names are public domain, they

cannot be declared OGC nor PI because the contributor does not
own the rights to declare it as one or the other>>

Again, copyright, for example, applies to the work, but it does not reach individual words, phrases, or public domain concepts.  That doesn't mean you can't copyright a work.

Thus, any work which included such would be in violation of the

No.  This would mean that the definition of OGC does not reach uncopyrightable materials, just as your copyright, that you apply to an entire work, may not reach some uncopyrightable materials.

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