
2007-02-09 17:30:34 -0800 (Fri, 09 Feb 2007)
Layers! Yay! In the map editor, use Ctrl-L to enable the new layers,
Alt-F1/2/3 to enable/disable them quickly, and Ctrl-F1/2/3 to toggle their
visibility. Use PgUp and PgDn to switch editing layers.

Tiles drawn on layers 1 and 2 (the upper layers) are drawn transparently,
using colour #0 as the transparency key. I may figure out a convenient way
to customize this colour at some point.

Either way, this will be a real boon for the OHR.

   Y'know, I just have to ask one thing — in the future, do you think
there'll be independent scrolling for the different layers? This would be
cool for doing moving clouds without having to use NPCs. Also, will there be
something where you can set the scrolling speed of the different layers?
This would be useful for faking DEPTH and DISTANCE. :D

   Also, will there be LOWER layers in the future? :D Eh well, I suppose
we'll get there when we get there — for now, congrats and thank you! :D I am
super happy about layers! ^____^
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