On Mon, Jun 06, 2011 at 03:23:26PM -0400, Mike Willis wrote:
>    So I don't know how to reply on those archives, but here is the crux of
>    the parallax problem I think:
>    You want the x coordinate of the top left of the screen to be the dividing
>    factor, NOT the tiles.  In other words, you don't want
>    (parallax 'map' final tile x-coord) == 1/3 * (real map final tile x-coord)

I haven't used tile coordinates for anything. pixel coordinates only.

>    You want
>    (parallax 'map' final pixel x-coord -- screen pixel size) == 1/3 * (real
>    map final pixel x-coord -- screen pixel size)
>    Then the script would work as intended, I think...?
>    Alternatively, you want to work out the actual ratio of sizes RATIO as
>    follows:
>    RATIO:= (parallax 'map' final pixel x-coord -- screen pixel size) / (real
>    map final pixel x-coord -- screen pixel size)
>    and then use this RATIO in your script instead of 1/3
>    This isn't boding well for users to set layer sizes and parallax speeds in
>    custom, is it?

This has nothing to do with parallax as a built-in feature, this is just 
about manually scripting parallax now, before such a built-in feature 
becomes available.
>    This is all assuming the map doesn't wrap.  If it does, then I'm not sure
>    what is best...

It does not.

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