On Tue, Jun 07, 2011 at 01:19:27PM +1200, Ralph Versteegen wrote:
> On 7 June 2011 12:04, James Paige <b...@hamsterrepublic.com> wrote:
> > On Tue, Jun 07, 2011 at 11:39:51AM +1200, Ralph Versteegen wrote:
> >> On 7 June 2011 07:45, James Paige <b...@hamsterrepublic.com> wrote:
> >> > On Mon, Jun 06, 2011 at 03:23:26PM -0400, Mike Willis wrote:
> >> >>    So I don't know how to reply on those archives, but here is the crux 
> >> >> of
> >> >>    the parallax problem I think:
> >> >>
> >> >>    You want the x coordinate of the top left of the screen to be the 
> >> >> dividing
> >> >>    factor, NOT the tiles.  In other words, you don't want
> >> >>    (parallax 'map' final tile x-coord) == 1/3 * (real map final tile 
> >> >> x-coord)
> >> >
> >> > I haven't used tile coordinates for anything. pixel coordinates only.
> >> >
> >> >>    You want
> >> >>    (parallax 'map' final pixel x-coord -- screen pixel size) == 1/3 * 
> >> >> (real
> >> >>    map final pixel x-coord -- screen pixel size)
> >> >>
> >> >>    Then the script would work as intended, I think...?
> >> >>
> >> >>    Alternatively, you want to work out the actual ratio of sizes RATIO 
> >> >> as
> >> >>    follows:
> >> >>    RATIO:= (parallax 'map' final pixel x-coord -- screen pixel size) / 
> >> >> (real
> >> >>    map final pixel x-coord -- screen pixel size)
> >> >>
> >> >>    and then use this RATIO in your script instead of 1/3
> >>
> >> This all looks correct. And to be honest it hadn't occurred to me that
> >> the screen size matters (it applies only for one of the two types of
> >> parallax layers).
> >>
> >> But if fact you don't really need to worry about correcting for the
> >> size of the screen, you just need to draw a large enough corner of the
> >> map layer (a bit more than a third).
> >
> > Yeah, I realized I could just add 6 rows and 10 columns to my background
> > layer to make this work the easy way, but I really wanted to figure out
> > how to make it work when the background layer is exactly 1/3 the size of
> > the map.
> >
> >> I imagine that the real reason that your script isn't working is that
> >> the map root slice is placed at (-camera x, -camera y) relative to the
> >> screen, so to get the map layer to display at (camera x/3, camera
> >> y/3), you actually need to place it at offset (camera x * 2/3, camera
> >> y * 2/3) relative to the map root.
> >
> > Yes, absolutely right.
> >
> > I actually should have posted the version of that script where I was
> > doing: camera pixel x -- camera pixel x / 3
> >
> > That is as close as I got to making it work right :)
> >
> > ---
> > James
> So, is the problem solved now?

Well, solved in the sense that I can add six more rows and 10 more 
columns to my background layer and it will look okay, but I still really 
want to understand the math needed to make the parallax work with the 
1/3 size layer, since that is the same math that will be required when 
parallax scrolling is a built-in feature on different-sized map layers 
in the future.

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