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On 18/11/10 02:34, Garrett D'Amore wrote:
> And to those of you running OI "in production", you're nuts.  OI has had
> exactly "one" release (of dubious quality), and has a sum total of a
> half dozen engineers behind it; and I'm not sure all of them are
> actually software engineers and not just integrators.  I sure as heck
> don't advocate illumos for production use *yet*, even though my own
> desktop runs it.  (Although I'm working hard to get it into a condition
> when I will be happy to do so.)

Please, be more polite. If you pretend to join effort, you should not
start insulting.

OI has provided hope for some of us. OI team already explicitly said
that the plan is to move to Illumos. Having "something" filling the gap
between OpenSolaris and a future Illumos based release is keeping people
interested in the technology instead of flying away in flocks.

So, OI has a role.

What do you want from OI people?. If they are only half a dozen
"integrators", what kind of help you want from these poor guys?.

OI doesn't distract people, because Illumos has no a release yet. It is
keeping people interested, the joy alive. When is Illumos going to have
something to integrate in OI?.

I hate the idea of waiting a year to enjoy illumos with NOTHING to use
meanwhile. Thanks god we have OpenIndiana.

That said, I want OI to use Illumos as fast as possible.

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