On Sun, 2011-06-05 at 16:19 +0100, Bayard Bell wrote:
> On 5 Jun 2011, at 15:05, Ken Gunderson wrote:
> Hello, Ken,
> > I'll let Tobias speak for himself but my read was that he has a
> > preference for Sphinx but willing to use other tools.
> That was also my inference, provided we haven't hit a timeout for him to 
> complete the project he needs to do for his seminar.
> > I've never used
> > Sphinx but took a quick look at links that Tobias posted a while back
> > and it seemed like it could serve our needs pretty well.  
> Nothing against Sphinx, but my immediate observation is that we're not 
> starting documentation from scratch. As of yet, Sphinx doesn't support 
> interchange from DocBook (there's a Google Code project for converting a 
> subset of DocBook that someone found useful), which is the source format for 
> the current documentation. That gives me pause. It's by no means 
> insurmountable, but I'd like to hear why we'd want to jump through those 
> hoops, with some reference to how this has worked elsewhere. I've taken a 
> look at a sample from the rather extensive list of projects using Sphinx, and 
> what I don't see so much of is large, non-Python projects like ours using it, 
> and that also gives me pause, which is why I've tried to do some research and 
> think that more research still needs to be done.

I'm less concerned with transforming from docbook to sphinx than the
other direction: spninx to docbook, or sphinx to Latex, HTML, or
whatever.  If Tobias wants to use Sphinx AND we can transform his Sphinx
output to Docbook (perhaps via Latex intermediary)... I say, turn him
loose on it lest the clock run out on his project due date.

> > You'd
> > mentioned that your girl friend might be willing to contribute and I'd
> > subsequently suggested she take Sphinx for a test drive?  I'd be curious
> > whether she has or not, and if so, what were her impressions?
> She's in the course of moving at the moment. Once she's settled (another week 
> or so), there'll be time for a test drive.
> > Iirc, Sphinx supported export to a variety of formats.  Since
> > documentation is something developers are historically far less keen on
> > than writing code and we've got someone interested stepping up and
> > contributing in this much neglected capacity, barring any technical
> > reasons to the contrary, my vote would be to give Tobias the thumbs up.
> As I've explained previously, I really don't think the problem we're trying 
> to solve looks like that. I could just as easily say: well, there's a tool 
> already out there from ASF that converts existing DocBook content to 
> Confluence wiki (which we probably need to do in some way so that what 
> documentation we have is easily accessible online), there's a Confluence 
> plugin we can get for free that can export that back to DocBook and from 
> there to HTML, PDF, and man, problem solved. I'm not prepared to say that 
> that's the answer any more than is Sphinx, just that evaluation criteria are 
> different from what you suggest and the answers thus not as obvious as you 
> take them to be. In any case, these are decisions that are made at 
> #oi-meeting.
> I think we need tools that then turn into getting people involved in 
> documentation, this is an opportunity where we need to understand how we 
> capitalise on that for further opportunity. You've expressed some interest in 
> contributing to documentation: what would get you to become involved in this 
> capacity?

For me the biggest barrier would be knowing what I'm talking about when
it comes to OI as my Solaris experience is minimal.  Hence, I might be
more effective helping out on e.g. editing than actual documentation
creation.  At least initially.  Indeed, part of my motivation for such
is to learn more about said platform. 

I don't know Latex, but have an interest in it.  I've "played" with
docbook a bit a few years back but far from conversant.  I would be fine
with learning more about either.

I need to go back and review the email Alan sent about this. While I
think it's past time for OI to make a break from Oracle/Solaris, I also
think we should maintain ability to leverage existing verbiage, so we
should use compatible tools.

Ken Gunderson <kgund...@teamcool.net>

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