On Sun, 2011-06-05 at 14:36 +0100, Bayard Bell wrote:
> Tobias,
> Just checking in to make sure you're still with us and see where we can go 
> from here. As you may have gathered from the list, we've had a few fires 
> burning this week. ;->
> A few practical questions that would help. First, you've mentioned that 
> you're doing this for a class that you're taking, so I want to make sure that 
> we get back to you on a timeframe that works for your assignment. Second, I'm 
> providing a pretty random sample of links on various aspect of maintaining 
> documentation, but it would be very helpful if you could provide some 
> pointers to people talking about their experience working with Sphinx, as I 
> don't know that I've covered this very well (I saw there's quite a list 
> provided by the Sphinx project, but I haven't had a chance to run through it 
> and see which projects could best speak to our needs). Third, I just want to 
> make sure I've understood you: you recommend and prefer Sphinx, but you've 
> got a project to do, which you're willing to do with us, more or less 
> irrespective of what options we choose. Or are you more comfortable with 
> Sphinx and wanting to find a project that's keen to leverage your knowledge 
> of the product?
> I hope we haven't missed the boat with you, and I'd like to express my 
> appreciation for the interest you've taken in our project, the expertise 
> you've brought to the table, your tenacity in following up with us, and your 
> patience in bearing with us.
> Kind regards,
> Bayard

Hello Bayard:

I'll let Tobias speak for himself but my read was that he has a
preference for Sphinx but willing to use other tools. I've never used
Sphinx but took a quick look at links that Tobias posted a while back
and it seemed like it could serve our needs pretty well.  You'd
mentioned that your girl friend might be willing to contribute and I'd
subsequently suggested she take Sphinx for a test drive?  I'd be curious
whether she has or not, and if so, what were her impressions?

Iirc, Sphinx supported export to a variety of formats.  Since
documentation is something developers are historically far less keen on
than writing code and we've got someone interested stepping up and
contributing in this much neglected capacity, barring any technical
reasons to the contrary, my vote would be to give Tobias the thumbs up.

Ken Gunderson <kgund...@teamcool.net>

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