
(Instead of replying to a message in one of the other threads I thought I
> will create a new one.)
> Just wanted to say that I don't see a future for the project in its
> current form. There is simply too many packages and too much baggage for a
> handful of people to look after.

I think you need to go back a level further. What's the project for?

Try to put together a quick mission statement (or even a mission word).
And work on an elevator pitch that can grab any member of your potential

Part of that is thinking about your audience - both the providers
(contributors/developers) and consumers (users/customers).

And also what differentiates you from other offerings. Specifically,
thinking about other similar projects, what would OI offer that you
wouldn't get from OmniOS (which I regard as the closest distro)?

> I think the project needs a new vision and a reboot. If you have any ideas
> for the project and can write scripts/makefiles to generate a distro/live
> CDs/etc. - speak up! You don't have to be a leader if you don't want to :)

Concentrate on the vision, and get people engaged. That'll give
you a start on having manpower to do the work.

I had a completely different vision - both directionally and technically -
and ended up completely throwing away all the build system(s),
and the entire packaging and install infrastructure. Having to largely
reinvent a whole mass of functionality for Tribblix from scratch was
orders of magnitude easier than using what was inherited from

-Peter Tribble
http://www.petertribble.co.uk/ - http://ptribble.blogspot.com/
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