Fundamentally, the question you all should be asking is, what is the purpose of 
the project?

The problem with OI has always been lack of a clear vision.  The original 
purpose, to be a free community-run clone of Solaris 11, had no future.  It was 
doomed to fail because it was an attempt to follow a leader who who did not 
want to be followed and was making changes that specifically made such an 
attempt extraordinarily difficult (like changing closed source dependencies) -- 
and the leader had also itself lost its vision, or at least altered it, such 
that it was never going to the same places that the folks behind OI wanted to 

I'm a big fan of trying to build cool and interesting technologies.  Of 

Can OI innovate?  Its not clear to me.  Thankfully, *illumos* is certainly 
innovating.  Other distros are innovating.  Some in cases that lead very very 
far from the "vision" or model of OI. (SmartOS has led the way the most -- 
challenging many of us to rethink how we manage systems, in ways that 
ultimately have been extremely beneficial for those who were able to cross the 
cognitive hurdles presented by its new administrative model.)

Can OI find a niche that sets itself apart from excellent options like SmartOS 
and OmniOS?  Is there even a purpose to such differentiation?

I don't know the answers to these questions.

I do think that there is always going to be substantial tension between those 
who want to keep compatibility with their old stuff (whether the "old stuff" be 
legacy closed source applications, scripts that they wrote 15 years ago, 
decades old SPARC kit, ancient laptops, or 10 Mbps ethernet with AUI 
transceivers), and the people who want to innovate and explore modernization 
(Gary Mills' work to support login names > 8 characters is a prime example of 
this tension).   Its a tricky balance to find, and many of the hardest working 
people (Martin Bochnig comes to mind, for example) are firmly in the "don't 
break my old stuff" camp.  The problem is that this camp is inherently change 
resistant -- and yet fundamentally OI was already too different from previous 
Solaris releases to satisfy those folks.

Where this is leading me is this….

1. Is there enough market demand/interest/skills/resources to justify a "legacy 
style" distro (something more like Solaris 10 than Solaris 11/OI, including 
SPARC distro support, etc.)  It seems there is almost enough talent here -- 
perhaps if those forces worked together more collaboratively we'd see something 
good come about?

2. Is there a need for a more forward looking distro apart from the work being 
done in OmniOS?  (To be clear, I'm not affiliated with OmniTI in any way -- I 
just hate to see pointless duplication of effort)

Again, I don't know the answers to these questions, but I *strongly* believe 
that anyone thinking of stepping up to reboot the OI project (or create any new 
one) needs to have a much clearer vision -- and needs to be a strong enough 
leader to more or less enforce this vision.  A democracy here won't work -- 
precisely because of the pressures I've already indicated.  In my opinion it 
would be better to spawn two separate projects, each of which creates value to 
serve their adherents, than to have single project that cannot make any 
progress because of the inherent inability to resolve the differences between 
the two main camps.

What I *will* say is this… regardless of what happens, I'm very pleased that 
illumos will carry on -- and continues to be a home for innovation, thanks in 
no small part to the efforts of folks like Joyent, OmniTI, Nexenta, DEY, and 
perhaps many others who've been working more quietly.  I'm incredibly grateful 
to the team that put OI together -- it filled an important gap in the 
ecosystem, and contributed significantly to the uptake of illumos -- so 
regardless of what ultimately becomes of the project, a big thank you to the 
various parties who put it together.

        - Garrett

On May 9, 2013, at 1:01 AM, Andrzej Szeszo <> wrote:

> Hi All
> (Instead of replying to a message in one of the other threads I thought I 
> will create a new one.)
> Just wanted to say that I don't see a future for the project in its current 
> form. There is simply too many packages and too much baggage for a handful of 
> people to look after.
> I think the project needs a new vision and a reboot. If you have any ideas 
> for the project and can write scripts/makefiles to generate a distro/live 
> CDs/etc. - speak up! You don't have to be a leader if you don't want to :)
> Regards,
> Andrzej
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