> From: darth.seri...@gmail.com 
> Thank you all for your response. I am driving you to re-think. It is 
> my personal dream to see our community finally take off and overcome 
> this "heritage of missing collaboration" from Sun in illumos and 
> OpenIndiana. 

With all due respect Seth, you don't know what you're talking about. These 
discussions were had years ago. Who are you to tell us all what you think we 
should all be doing? What gives you the right to pop up out of nowhere, and 
tell others what to do?

We've all made our choices. We all have diametrically opposed viewpoints on how 
things should be done. Many of these viewpoints are irreconcilable, such as the 
IPS debate. I love IPS, and many of the core OI devs love IPS. IPS in our 
opinion is an excellent package management system. I can't speak for all the OI 
devs but I have absolutely no interest what so ever moving away from it.

Peter, Jorg and Martin hate IPS. They still think it can't deliver file based 
packages, demonstrating a complete bloody mindedness the likes of which you'll 
only find in UNIX circles. Maybe you'll get some consensus there, but I doubt 
it. Tribblix, OpenSXCE and Schillix are each distinct separate operating 
systems. Each of them is a personal passion project. Each of them has been done 
mostly in isolation with few outside collaborators. I can't see any of them 
abandoning their babies now.

OpenIndiana is the only distro with a wide (albeit still tiny in the grand 
scheme of things) community developer base. You want to help? Join #oi-dev on 
irc.freenode.net and check out oi-userland and start hacking:


This circle jerk nirvana future you wish to create will never exist. If you 
want to help, pick a project and start hacking. Talk is cheap.                  
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