
I'm not sure if you were aware of this, but the GSoC program
organizers have in the past expressed a prefer that related projects
"band together" with shared applications.  That makes less work for

I recommend we tell GSoC in our application that we will entertain
projects using any and all illumos distributions.
OpenIndiana is one of several good choices.  I see no harm in
mentioning their inclusion.
Would you be more comfortable if we mentioned other open-source distros as well?


On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 12:27 PM, Keith Wesolowski
<> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 12:13:42PM -0500, Albert Lee wrote:
>> After talking to others, I've been convinced that it's a good idea to
>> continue participating this year, and I'm willing to be the organisation
>> admin provided we try to size projects appropriately to account for risk,
>> testing and review. I'm working on the application.
>> If anyone has strong objections let me know. If OI is interested in
>> applying as well we should coordinate to see if a combined application is
>> appropriate. Slots can be divided amongst the respective mentors.
> Sounds good; thanks, Albert.  I'd prefer very strongly to have OI apply
> separately if they want to participate.  A combined application
> encourages the belief that OI occupies a privileged position in the
> community relative to other distributions, which as we all know is not
> the case.  I also fear that it might make it difficult to convey the
> right message around what illumos is and the type of work we're
> interested in sponsoring (namely, OS work).  For the same reasons, I
> would also oppose a combined application with any other distribution.

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