À dim. juil. 24 17:10:32 2016 GMT+0200, Nikola M a écrit :
> On 07/24/16 04:34 PM, Aurélien Larcher wrote:
> > Bottom line is: you do not modify *existing* content without prior 
> > discussion.
> Neither adding NEW documents nor editing should go without discussion
> In this case new page was added out of blue and it denied changing it
> nad ther IS ongoin discussion on this list and that can held as that
> here IS discussion as it is.
> And people deserve to see changed document.
> > I reverted it to the state it should be.
> It surely is not in a state it should be..
>  ..not your revering has a meaning, but contributing to it's contents has.
> But if that is how you define it as protecting of random changes, I
> won't change it no more as said.
> > Now discuss with people, agree on what should be on the Wiki and what 
> > should be on the Website, then we change the website page accordingly, does 
> > it not sound democratic ? ;)
> I exactly changed web page to the current state of the things on Wiki,
> calling on being on topic and talk about text itself, and that is
> actually working and people talk and contribute with questions, answers
> and ideas.
> It is only democratic to pull the plug out of that page, showing that
> unfunished undemocratic documents like that should not have democratic
> support at all, promoting autoritarian rula and forcing it.
> Other then that, democratic way could be having links on that page
> pointing to Wiki so people can contribute there, but I choosed to have
> both of them presented concurrently, old useless one and newer rewriting
> of it.

If work occurs on the Wiki then it is natural to point to it.

> Rules are broken by putting that document on site in the first place, so
> deal with it however you want i showed how I dealt with it.
> > Putting the draft on the website 
> Drafts should absolutely not be on the official website!
> That is misuse of term draft and of the website. People expect finished
> agreed and supported things on the site.
> Maybe on sub-site where is expected to have various things in private
> spaces etc.
> > may not have been the best solution but this is just a draft (hence 
> > "Proposed") 
> Putting one word before "mandated" and forced document, doesn't makes
> things any better, it is even obvious that it is mocking to viewers,
> where minimal effort is needed to _force_ it by removing it.
> It is again how dictatorships work, having always worst case scenario
> ready and presented.
> > and at least it is visible and easy to read.
> And is is grous misuse of community, let me not repeat myself..
> So it is visible, but updated one is not supposed to be visible..
> > In any case you have no right to decide to modify this document 
> > unilateraly, so:
> So xenol does not have right to PUT it on the site unilaterally.
> And I have ALL right to change and rephrase and contribute improved
> version as I did on wiki.

You have the right to setup a workspace but modifying website content is 
subject to review.

> Plus I have rights on site to change documents, so why not I use them to
> change?

Because the rule on the website is: do not modify existing content without 
acknowledgement and review.

> Xenol used it's right to change, by putting it, I don't see the
> difference here.

Adam created new content, you modified existing content. 

> I just used my rights on site to change it , I already had and I also
> made an effort to show differences in plainsight and put links and
> explanations.
> I have all rights, I logged in I changed it I discussed fully before it,
> I haven't received any valid reasons not to, and it is still discussed upon.
> > - we work on the drafts on the wiki with original version and your changes 
> > presented on one page each.
> That is obviously in the work, only think missing is that that bad
> document of xenol is still on the site, frozen.
> > - Adam and Michael took your comment about the publication to the Wordpress 
> > into account into account, let them respond and we then modify the page 
> > accordingly.
> They are not elected in this community on any position,
> Adfam and Michael do not rule in this community and I have no need to
> wait for any of them for any decision, not only including this document.
> Document can't be mandated by them nor put in force without proper
> procedures,
> and any future web site changes xenol will try to pushg in (like "docs")
> site, putting out broken 'poll' "results woithout user registration etc.
> are void.
> At the top of that, no one can mandate and forbid to people to talk
> discuss and contribute how they see fit or to stop changes.
> This document precisely gags people form discussing and having basic
> human freedoms, therefore putting it back online without notice that
> hings ar emoving on forward put whole community in a wrong picture.
> > - the website stays off topic  until we reach the final version of the 
> > document.
> >
> > Is it OK ?
> No it is not, because freezing that fascist document on site, pushes
> people to believe that "power" over infrastructure is important here and
> that "powerfull" can stop anyone else doing the right thing.
> People tend to even say things without even looking,
> and it is obvious that pushing document on the site is avoiding any
> procedure and community effort and that is bad behaviour that tend to
> spread.
> As long it is there site is under occupation from that troll document.
> You can of course do whatever you want, it's always your free choice.

Do you consider that the group of active developers steering the project 
misbehave by proposing a form of organisation to help OpenIndiana move forward?

The need of a Code of Conduct was discussed within the group, ideas emerged and 
are thus proposed to the community.
Sounds pretty reasonable to me. :) 

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Thanks for sailing Jolla :)
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