À lun. juil. 25 21:41:32 2016 GMT+0100, Nikola M a écrit :
> On 07/25/16 12:01 PM, Volker A. Brandt wrote:
> > Dear Nikola!
> >
> >
> >> I just received threats from Adam in the form of "warning",
> > [...]
> >
> >> On personal level, it hurts more to recognize that long-standing, 
> >> importand and
> >> capable guy like Adam, makes so much of mistakes and misuse, the minute it 
> >> gets
> >> to real community dealings.
> > The same thing could be said about you.  
> Well, am not the one who misuse power. and it surely can not be said. I
> am not a fascist.

If I can explain another/a last time: there is no censorship as you were asked 
to put your draft alongside the original proposal, kept for reference.
There will be one final Code of Conduct but there can be several strains to 
serve as basis, as you were unhappy with Adam and Michael's formulation.
In this frame we have an open process were different options can be analyzed.
By modifying the document in-place you deny people the right to formulate a 
proposal: this type of censorship is exactly what you stand against, this seems 
a bit counter-intuitive on your part.

> > Please relax, calm down, and
> > do some other things for a few days.  Nobody wants to forbid you from
> > stating your opinion, but the way you do it, and the way you attack
> > people personally, 
> You say untrue things.
> I all the time talk about document and problems in it.
> And there is myriad of trolling answers or those who reply +1 -1 with
> out any clue.
> > is very exhausting.
> Yes and having fascist manifesto and misuse in the document on OI site
> is not a problem?
> > Just imagine what someone else might feel when he reads your emails
> > describing him *before* you send it.  Words like "dumb", "misuse",
> > and "fascist" are really not appropriate in this discussion.
> It truly is.
> > From reading this list, on IRC, and looking at commits, I know that you
> > are a smart and motivated long-time contributur to OI.  Please listen to
> > the rest of us when we ask you to relax a bit.
> Yes, let's relax things a bit.
> I proposed to putt that horrifying thing off the OI site, but no fascist
> manifesto is there by power.
> I also edited the site TWICE , trying to explain the differences
> and i am not going to do anymore it is enough it was reverted twice.

It was reverted to keep the original proposal for reference so that people can 
understand and reflect on the differences, not for the sake of censorship.
If we had removed you proposal and  your credentials from the begining this 
would have been a fault but this is not what happened.

The issue at hand here is your inability to accept different a point of view by 
actively modifying/removing content.

To sum up:
- the Code of Conduct was discussed and the idea accepted by all active 
- the draft seems to find a positive echo in the community and was improved 
based on given feedback,
- while you raised valid points, your vendetta makes them completely inaudible,
- even less when you compare what is informally 'a core team'', i.e.  main 
contributors with administrator role in the project, to fascists.

I think it is time to wrap it up:
- if you are  able to formulate amendements to the current draft in a concise 
fashion then it is all the better,
- but if you get stuck with antagonizing behaviour, and provided that most 
people otherwise responded in a positive manner, the process will move forward 
not matter what.

Contributing new content on your CPE page and asking for review is encouraged.
However, actively modifying/removing content from other contributions will be 
considered as a disruption.

All the best,


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