In order to see how the oi-userland framework works,
you could try to build or upgrade a specific component,
such as desktop/remote-desktop/tigervnc

I am thinking of "VNC" because perhaps VNC is an alternative in this case to 

So you could try to enable vnc and connect with vnc to the openindiana system.

cd into components and desktop/remote-desktop/tigervnc and then in that 

gmake download

to just download that specific components.

When "gmake download" works, you can proceed to 

gmake publish

which will compile/build that specific package and create/setup a local 
repository with your own build of that package.

David Stes

----- Op 21 dec 2021 om 15:06 schreef clark k weeks

> Please accept my apologies for this late reply.
> Thank you for the warm welcomes.
> As I am new to Openindiana and Mailing Lists (this is my first experience 
> being
> an involved list member), and having read your responses, I see that I need to
> be a little more descriptive not only of what I’m doing, but also why I’m 
> doing
> it, as that makes a big difference in how my posts may be interpreted.
> First a little history about myself. I have worked in the IT industry since
> 1997, by doing support for Gateway computers at a Stream International call
> center taking support calls. I have been a linux buff for longer. I am,
> however, not a Linux uber alles guy. I have dabbled with various other unixes.
> Rather than go through my list of experiences, for anyone that may be
> interested, my resume can be seen at [ |
> ] . I am now retired, so have plenty of time
> to play with just about whatever suits my fancy.
> So, to the “why" of my interest in Openindiana. 1) it is community based, 2)
> it’s based on a long lived UNIX (Solaris), and 3) after learning (a 
> functioning
> amount) of systemd, I became enamored with the SMF and was curious to learn
> more about it. And, as I’m sure most all of you know, experience is the best
> teacher.
> I installed Openindiana on one of my machines in order to learn more of its
> workings. I use Bacula as the backup system for my home network of computers.
> Being that packages for Bacula existed for Openindiana (and they are the same
> version as what I am already using) I decided to move my Bacula director over
> to the OpenIndiana server. This became a very interesting project because it
> became a learning tool to see how I could fit it into learning more about SMF.
> This (as an aside) enticed me to get xrdp working on the Openindiana box, as I
> do nearly all the work on my home network of computers remotely from the
> computer on my desk. (I use The Simpsons as the genre for naming my computes,
> as it is an over generous pool of related names to use. The Openindiana box is
> named “burns”.)
> Being new to Openindia I had no idea whether there was any sort of remote
> desktop system available as a package, so I thought I’d work on incorporating
> xrdp to my, as the term is used in the Openindiana pkg documentation, in my
> “image”. This was another opportunity for more experience and learning of SMF.
> So, looking for some sort of development system on the OS platform, the best I
> cam up with was the oi-userland platform. If there is a more suitable
> development environment here than the oi-userland I’d more than willing to be
> informed of it, as I believe oi-userland is primarily for creating shared
> pkg’s, which I may do after becoming more knowledgable of Openindiana and the
> specifics on how it functions.
> Unfortunately, the documentation I could find about Openindiana is not very
> expansive. The best I was able to find was the oi-userland README file I
> previously referenced. I would like to thank Andreas Wacknitz for his reply 
> for
> mentioning that that README file out of date and pointing me to better
> information regarding oi-useland, and his other suggestions on development
> work. I genuinely appreciate the advice.
> Well, with this expansion of the “why” I’m doing this, I would gladly accept 
> any
> more assistance from anyone willing to help me in my learning experience.
> Thank you all and I hope we have a wonderful and successful association here
> within this mailing list.
> Clark K Weeks
> On Dec 16, 2021, at 12:10 PM, [ |
> ] wrote:
> Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2021 18:10:09 +0100
> From: Andreas Wacknitz < [ | ] >
> To: [ | ]
> Subject: Re: [oi-dev] Fatal error executing "make download" in
> oi-userland/cpmponents
> Message-ID: < [ |
> ] >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
> Am 16.12.21 um 17:11 schrieb clark k weeks:
> Greetings,
> Welcome to OpenIndiana!
> I am brand new to OpenIndiana (and solaris of any kind) so my
> nomenclature may not be completely correct. I will accept any help.
> Reading from [ |
> ]
> very beginning is titled "Getting started with the Userland
> Consolidation?
> and if I'm reading it correctly it suggests to
> The readme seems to be outdated. In fact I haven't noticed it yet.
> Please follow our documentation at [ 
> |
> ]
> git clone [ |
> ]
> I actually cloned it to /usr/src instead of /scratch/clone. ?(I hope
> that was not an error.)
> No, this wasn't the cause of the error. You just decided to name your
> local clone to have a different name than the readme proposes.
> The next thing the README file suggests is to cd to the components
> directory in the clone, then run, ?make download?. When I executed
> that command it trudged on for hours and ended with the following:
> This is in my opinion a bad suggestion. It advises the system to
> download all sources for all package definitions which probably will
> talk a lot of time and space. Plus, it's not necessary at all because
> when you run "gmake build" (or one of the other possible make targets)
> it will do whatever is necessary to get there. So, in fact the first
> step you should do after the initial cloning is to run "gmake setup" in
> the main folder and probably also in components/encumbered.
> To be successful you'll need to have sufficient rights and have
> installed at least the "build-essential" package (pfexec pkg install -v
> build-essential). It is also recommended to have your build system
> up-to-date (pfexec pkg update -v) and if necessary rebooted after the
> update.
> It is necessary to reboot if a new boot environment has been created by
> running pkg update.
> I recommend to try to build existing packages before trying to update
> any package sources or add new ones. You can enter a folder of an
> interesting package, eg. by
> ??? cd components/developer/git
> ??? gmake build
> This will automatically install missing packages needed for the build
> and then download git's source packages and starts to build everything.
> When this ends successfully you have a good starting point :)
> "gmake publish" will create a package and puts it into your local
> package repository (this is created by the aforementioned "gmake setup).
> The oi-userland repository contains additional documentation in its doc
> folder. You should start reading there, too.
> Source /usr/share/src/oi-userland/archives/splix-315.tar.bz2...
> validating signature... skipping (no signature URL)
> validating hash... corruption detected
> expected:
> sha256:43f61ec33006a77b508c65765cf9295bc7d6258fbf3ef37ff3d23dc4e7df0375
> actual:
> sha256:ce5d148b7966c9844311d1c2ece2a8ef386e87778a8a2bedf2c2d8355cb9d08a
> payload:
> sha256:0eba76cd8d9af67992233da1ae1eda773a306d5578ad8b5e9e99f1b15dcecccd
> WARN: Removing the corrupt downloaded file
> Source SVN... not found, skipping file copy
> Source
> [ |
> ] ...
> downloading...
> validating signature... skipping (no signature URL)
> validating hash... corruption detected
> expected:
> sha256:43f61ec33006a77b508c65765cf9295bc7d6258fbf3ef37ff3d23dc4e7df0375
> actual:
> sha256:ce5d148b7966c9844311d1c2ece2a8ef386e87778a8a2bedf2c2d8355cb9d08a
> payload:
> sha256:0eba76cd8d9af67992233da1ae1eda773a306d5578ad8b5e9e99f1b15dcecccd
> Downloading from [ | ] is a 
> bad
> sign. It's our last resort
> if the original package source isn't available.
> A sha256 mismatch is another problem and can have several reasons, one
> of them the archive being hijacked. Typically this happens when the
> package have been changed after we have calculated its checksum.
> But splix is one of the very special source packages: it will be
> dynamically built by downloading its contents from a subversion
> repository. If your workstation is set up properly it should have
> subversion installed and immediately starts downloading the sources by
> means of svn.
> In your case I expect that installing the build-essential package will
> cure this problem.
> WARN: Removing the corrupt downloaded file
> /bin/bash: line 1: /usr/bin/svn: No such file or directory
> gmake[1]: ***
> [/usr/share/src/oi-userland/make-rules/
> /usr/share/src/oi-userland/archives/splix-315.tar.bz2] Error 127
> gmake: *** [Makefile:183:
> /usr/share/src/oi-userland/components/print/splix.nosetup] Error 2
> It occurred that the download of the file may not have completed
> properly, so, from the line, "Source
> [ |
> ] ,
> I abstracted the full URL,
> " [ 
> |
> ] ,
> cd?d to "/usr/share/src/oi-userland/archives? (which is where other
> downloads were being deposited).?Cd?d back to
> /usr/src/oi-userland/components. and again executed ?gmake downloads?
> which also ended with the same result as before.
> So, my question is, is the source file ?splix-315.tar.bz2? actually
> corrupted? Is it not the file it should actually be? Or, did I do
> something wrong?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Regards,
> Andreas
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