-----Original Message-----
>> As such writing /
>> changing mapping files everytime the codebase changes is unacceptable;
>> likewise marking up the code with meta-data (which another tool like
>> could use to generate a map) is also unacceptable. 
> Mhh. Xdoclet is a very elegant mechanism and imposes only minimal 
> intrusion into the source code. I would at least think about it...

Xdoclet could be extremely elegant and impose very little BUT still be
unacceptable.  The way I see it is: any such impositions are "invisible"
expect a compiler or any other standard tool to tell you that you're out of
burdensome (every programmer has to keep all the areas to sync up in mind,
and any
change on relevant data objects necessitates new mappings or meta-data...),
and a
maintenance nightmare, what if someone fails to update the mapping for a
class that
is sometimes (but seldom) saved off, the bug could go unnoticed (unless you
perfect testing) for a long time.

Right now there's a plethora of tools (to improve on Java's serialization)
but most
of the ones that seem to have a good community (OJB, Castor, Hibernate) have
mapping issue.  There are also a number of commercial solutions, BUT, the
seems rather fragmented and (as such) I find it dubious that the commercial
are really turn-key (as many claim to be).

> If want to use a standardized mechanism your code must stick to some 
> conventions. Otherwise you need AI :-)

I certainly hope it doesn't go as far as AI (but then again AI is pretty
nebulous). It
looks like a difficult problem but one that probably does have some reliable
(rather than flaky heuristics) to solve it.  The collection "mess" is one of
the most
difficult issues (what to do with amorphous collections like Vector).  What
I'm hoping for
is to create an "automatic mapping" standalone, and this could be configured
to make
different mapping behaviors/assumptions.

Given the number of solutions like OJB, Castor, and Hibernate is there some
way that a hybrid
community could be made (I've seen people take stabs at this auto-mapping
problem before,
it doesn't look like I'm the only one who is concerned with it) to implement
the "other
half" (an auto-mapping program, which takes an input meta-map that defines
the structure and assumptions for mapping).

> You can allow to Reflection to access everything.

Ok, that's going to be my approach.

> IMO these are all viable solutions.
> But you always face some tough questions to answer:

Most aren't so tough for me, but if I want to contribute to a mapping
program that can help
others (OJB, Castor, Hibernate,....... future tools) I need to make this
flexible and

> 3. how to handle collection attributes?
>    java collections are not typed. that is you don't know the element 
> type of a collection! How will you tell OJB which element-class a given 
> collection-descriptor will have?!

That is the UGLY issue.  Aside from Collections the other problems (such as
arbitrary classes
with inner and anon classes...) seem like they should have a solid solution
(even if it is 
some really annoying recursion...)

> 4. how to identify foreign key elements if there are multiple 
> associations between classes?!
> Say class A holds two collections of B elements. B will then have two 
> foreignkey attributes. one for the first collection, one for the second.
> How can you know which FK to use for which collection?!

This is another possibly painful problem.

> etc. etc.
> Without answering these questions you are lost. IMO the only viable 
> solution is to have clear code-conventions that allow automated 
> detection of the mentioned stuff.

That would be ideal, but proposing to rewrite all our code (and 3rd party
code) to fit some
nice convention, would never fly at this company (or most other ones).  Real
codebases always
have some "ugliness" factor.  My feeling is that things like data
serialization need to be near
automatic (not imposing maps or meta data), and general (not imposing a
coding convention) to
be truly useful.

Thanks for your thoughtful input.

Again, does anyone have an idea for how to build a community for working
this problem out?  I
am thinking along the lines of something like OJB, Castor, Hibernate- an
open source solution
with multiple participants.  A flexible mapping tool could (potentially) be
plugged into all
three of these code/storage solutions (as well as others).



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