-----Original Message----- >IMO it is important to get a clear picture of your requirements. >1. Do want a transparent persistent store. (and storing data in RDBMS is not >manadtory)or >2. Do want an automated object/relational mapping? (because storing in a >RDBMS is manadatory) > >I've got the impression that you are looking for 1. ?
Well it's amorphous. Currently we use standard java serialization and this is a nightmare for data versioning.... At the same time we already have an RDBMS in play, and while an OODBMS sounds natural I imagine there would be resistance to it. Moreover, part of the goal is to take this data we have and to "mine" it (that doesn't exclude the OODBMS but again adding or swtiching DB's would be unpopular). >For a completely transparent storage there are better tools available than >O/R tools! Yeah, I'm getting a headache thinking about how to map amorphous collections or even unknown sized arrays (the cheat would be to save it all off as an element with either standard serialization or formatted text- of course, this hurts the data mining for such fields)...