Hi Robert,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert S. Sfeir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: auto-update, auto-delete set dynamically?

> Thomas,
> I get this:
> PersistenceBroker broker = null;
> broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
> ClassDescriptor cd = broker.getClassDescriptor( HomeBO.class );
> ObjectReferenceDescriptor ord =
> cd.getObjectReferenceDescriptorByName(???);//??? because there is no
> explanation in the API as to WHICH name we need to use.
> ord.setCascadeRetrieve(false);
> The question is that if I'm using ODMG and I open my DB with:
> ...
> db = odmg.newDatabase();
> db.open( DBC , Database.OPEN_READ_WRITE );
> ...
> will the PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker(); return
> anything at all?
An alternative way is to use the MetadataManager:

MetadataManager mm = MetadataManager.getInstance();
ClassDescriptor cld =
mm.getDescriptorRepository().getDescriptorFor(Class c);

With the MM it's also possible to do only 'per thread' changes of
Your solution do a global change, thus other threads 'see' your
modifications too.
See javadoc for MM (In CVS you could find a enhanced version of MM
with better javadoc and some new methods).

More about the new methods
http://archives.apache.org/eyebrowse/ReadMsg?[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Second where I have the ??? the API has no documentation on what
> value it's looking for (name has not description), but from the
> description of the class I'm guessing that it wants to know WHICH
> reference of the foreign-key who's attribute I want to assign to ord
> and then set its Cascade type to false... Is that correct???
> I obviously haven't tested this yet so...
> If my assumptions above are all correct, then my feature request for
> future version is to have a method which can apply Cascade types
> the board for the whole ClassDescriptor and its related classes.  I
> think the way you have above is fine for now, but can be quite
> cumbersome on tables with a lot of inverse foreign keys. (that's
> assuming I understood where you were sending me)
> The reason I want to do this is, by the way, is because based on the
> user role in the application, I want to have the select update and
> delete behave different ways.  For example if the user's role is DBA,
> then I want everything on and allow the DBA to cascade a delete if
> want to, but if it's Joe User, then I don't even want to give them
> option and have the default set to no in the repository files.

Maybe we should enhance the MM to support different repository
profiles, e.g. you could add a 'user' profile and a 'admin' profile.
Then it would be possible to use
MM.loadProfile(String profileName, boolean global);

What do you think?


> R
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