Hi again,

One reason I ask is that long transactions seem to imply _stateful_ Session beans + OJB, and I haven't seen much discussion or examples relating to this combination (although there are lots of _stateless_ Session bean + OJB discussion/examples).

My core data is essentially a tree, so updates (performed on a remove client) implicate a large graph of persistent objects.

Does anyone have ideas/experiences to share? Pitfalls to avoid?



Phil Warrick wrote:
Hi Thomas,

A while ago, you mentioned that although long transactions are not currently supported, there are a few possible approaches:

 >If you want to use the ODMG in your SessionBean scenario you have to
 > implement your own simple long transaction mechanism.
 > (In the OTM package we will have such a feature implemented.)
 > On the other hand ODMG is not the most natural fit for such a scenario.
 > I recommemd to use the PersistenceBroker API for such cases!

Can you outline what the ODMG long transaction would look like in a SessionBean scenario? And how PB is perhaps a better approach? What will the OTM approach look like?

Over the last few months, I have been trying several avenues for modifying persistent objects on remote clients and then updating them on the server, and I still haven't arrived at a satisfactory approach.

Any thoughts and experiences in this area would be most appreciated.



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