Hi again,

Right, write conflicts are detected with OL. But will there be an efficient merge of the updated graph?


Say only one of the graph's n objects was modified. Is OJB's use of its cache going to compare the before/after status of each graph object and perform a db update on only the one truly changed object?

The PB does not track object state.

In ODMG there is a mechanism that tracks the object state during a transaction.
Have a look at the ObjectEnvelope class.
This mechanism could be modified with moderate effort to perform the "swizzling" you'd like to see.

Are we close to being a FAQ item?

I'd prefer a real solution instead of faq item :-)

I did modify the behaviour of the ObjectEnvelopeTable to do what I think that you are suggesting (at the time I could not conjugate the verb "to swizzle"). See

http://archives.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgNo=4682

Is this something like what you had in mind? Could this be generally useful? I'd be happy to extend/modify it to fit in as best possible, but I'd need some feedback.


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