Hi Andrew,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Gilbert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Armin Waibel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 10:25 PM
Subject: OJB test failures


Looks like the test case ConvertedKeyReferenceTest might be broken.

Lines 69 and 90 test for pk of ConversionReferrer being converted. If
you look at the repository_junit.xml the pk field for ConversionReferrer
does not have a conversion attribute.
ups! you are right, it's fixed in CVS. Thanks a lot!

Also, neither ConvertedKeyReferenceTest nor
FeildConversionForeigenKeyTest cover the case where key conversion is
not happening for primary key for an object that is created. Think this
was broken by change in rev 1.12 of Identity
I think the made changes are correct, because the conversion
was not transparent for the user of the Identity object. I suggest
never use converted (java --> sql) pk fields within Identity
(I don't know if  code base is comply with this suggest,
maybe that's the reason for the hassle).
The conversion could be done when it's necessary.
But nevertheless I think there is a nasty bug when using
field conversion with pk fields.

In ConvertedKeyReferenceTest there is a case covering this issue. Not
sure why it dosen't pick up the failure, but one theory is the nature of
the test. The class TestInt2IntConverter flip flops values. It might
better to do destructive but predictable damage to the value, rather
than a flip flop.  Flip flop will only really detect failure to convert
in one direction, not both! Another strategy to test might be to force a
class cast exception if conversion doesn't occur.

I do know I need to patch Identity for the normal case of CRUD for an
object with a pk that requires conversion. What I don't know is what bad
side effects this causes. I think cleaning up the test cases first would
help to find out.

I refactored and renamed all FieldConversion test cases and add
a new (hope the last one) test case to test field conversion. See
FieldConversionTest (new),
FieldConversionTest_2 (ConvertedKeyReferenceTest),
FieldConversionTest_3 (FieldConversionForeigenKeyTest).
Feel free to check the made changes (4 eyes better than 2).

Looking for input. If you think it is worthwhile, I can come up with a
test for PK conversion that will detect bi-directional failure. Just
uncertain what the scenario is for reliably testing double conversion.
Not sure if the test in ConvertedKeyReferenceTest for this is correct.
If you missing some specific test, feel free to change one of the
tests and send me the files. I will check in the stuff ASAP.
As well all fixes ;-)


Finally, would be nice to rename the file FieldConversionForeigenKeyTest
to FieldConversionForeignKeyTest. It is mispelled.

Let me know what you think. Will be glad to tackle this if you like.

Index: Identity.java
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -r1.14 Identity.java
<                 // BRJ: do not convertToSql
<                 this.pkValues =
>                 this.pkValues =

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Armin Waibel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 6:32 AM
> To: OJB Developers List
> Subject: [OJB test failures] some really nasty bugs
> Hi all,
> I add some new test cases posted by Users (thanks Charles, Oliver and
> all I forget)
> and do some modifications to point out the problems (I hope so;-)).
> 1. UserTestCases
> Test testImplicitLocking() fail when implicit locking was set to
> 'false',
> the test pass when implicit locking was 'true'.
> The test change the 'useImplicitLocking' property to 'false'
> to simulate the situation.
> 2. FieldConversionForeignKeyTest/ConvertedKeyReferenceTest
> This was the really nasty bug!
> Both test cases use field conversions. It seems that in some cases
> PK fields are not converted.
> For example in StatementManager#bindSelect(...) method, the given
> Identity object seems to wrap unconverted pk values, when I do a
> field conversion in this method all seems ok, but now in some cases
> the field conversion was done twice (ConvertedKeyReferenceTest)
> on the same values. This is tragic when using a field conversion
> like TestIntToIntConverter.
> I think one part of the problem could be Identity, because it is
> possible to make Identity instances with converted pk values
> and without!
> new Identity(Object objectToIdentitify, PersistenceBroker
> targetBroker)
> --> without conversion
> new Identity(Class aClass, Object[] CONVERTEDpkValues)
> --> with converted pk valuse
> Any suggestions?
> regards,
> Armin
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