My mistake (as most of the time ;-). The very next paragraph in the MySQL
manual states:

A PRIMARY KEY can be a multiple-column index. However, you cannot create a
multiple-column index using the PRIMARY KEY key attibute in a column
specification. Doing so will mark only that single column as primary. You
must use the PRIMARY KEY(index_col_name, ...) syntax.

so I only must change the way I've specified the primary keys.

As for the autobuild feature: Why is it not in the 1.0 release? I'm
currently fixing several bugs and enhancing the crossdb source, and it
works rather nicely (at least for the databases I have access to which 
are MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, HSQLDB). If of course some other means of
automatically generating table descriptions from java source
files/repository descriptions is used (middlegen ?) ...


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