I have a fairly simple object, who's ID I need to access.

in my descriptor for the object, I have the id field set to auto-increment
and as a primary key.

In the class, the id is initialized to -1 (All my classes, in all my
libraries initialize all instance members, even if only to null. this is
part of our standards and good programming practice in general).

What I am expecting, is that because I've set the id to auto-increment in
the descriptor, that when I create a new class, the ID is auto generated...
however what I get is the default value of the new object (-1 in this case).
Can I force ID's for a particular object to always be generated by the

If not, what is the recommended way to force that generation?

I need the ID's because I'm working in a web environment and the id's are
often called from remote applications... not to mention legacy data/apps ;)
So, I need the ID field, but I also want the system to generate it for new

- Brill Pappin

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