The project I'm on has come to the point of integrating sp's into the app, and I was 
wondering if there were any plans to incorporate Mr. Gallagher's ideas into the main 
OJB distribution. If so, I'd be more than willing to lend a hand. 

Also, maybe its my ignorance, but could you expand on the modifications you had to 
make in and
 My (admittedly very limited) understanding of these classes doesn't clue me as to the 
reason/form of the modifications.

Thanks, BTW, to Mr. Gallagher, Mr. Mahler, and the rest of the OJB team for a great 
framework and documentation.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Gallagher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: Where Do Stored Procedures Fit Into An O/R Mapping Layer?

Michael --

> I'd appreciate any and all comments on this question. 
> I've often wondered where stored procedures should fit
> in an object-oriented application.  

Thomas just checked in a how-to document 
(xdocs/how-to-work-with-stored-procedures.xml) describing the process that I went 
through to get OJB to utilize stored procedures.

> They're terrific for performance, and they can be a
> great interface between the object and relational
> layers.  Folks who approach problems from a data
> modeling slant are usually enthusiastic about them.
> But I've seen them terribly abused.  The object bigot
> in me worries about diffusing business logic - some in
> objects, some in the database.
> How would one use stored procedures with OJB?  Thank
> you - MOD

On my current project, we're using stored procedures to handle two situations:
1) All CUD (Create, Update, Delete) operations.
2) Any application function that involves a large amount of data retrieval and/or 
creates a large amount of data.

The first situation is pretty self-explanatory and our implementation is covered in 
the how-to that was just posted.

We use stored procedures in the second scenario for purely performance reasons.  There 
are several functions in our app that create new entities based on either existing 
entities or predefined templates.  In either case, the process requires the retrieval 
of a significant amount of data and the creation of an even larger amount of data.  
While it's possible to do all of this in our java code, it quickly became apparent to 
us that the transmission of that much data back and forth between the database and 
client would be a real performance problem.  The solution was to create stored 
procedures to perform these data-intensive functions.

One thing to be careful of when using stored procedures is that you're basically doing 
data access operations outside of the "ojb pipeline".  OJB has no knowledge of 
anything you do through the stored procedure.  If your procedure is creating data, 
there shouldn't be much of an issue.  If your procedure is changing or deleting 
existing data, then you may have a problem depending on the caching mechanism that you 
are using and the various "refersh" settings that are in your repository.

My $.02, 0.0174421 EUR using current exchange rates.

Ron Gallagher
Atlanta, GA

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