Burt -- 

When I first approached Thomas regarding what I wanted to accomplish, we both agreed 
that my implementation did not fit well into the 'core' OJB api.  However, we agreed 
to implement some new features and enhance some existing ones to enable me to 
extend/customize OJB to support my needs.  I'm not sure if that view point has 
changed.  Thomas may be able to comment further.

With respect to the specific changes you mention, here are my explanations:

I had to extend org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.StatementsForClassImpl because this 
was where the JDBC statement is created that will be used to perform the 
insert/update/delete operation.  Out of the box, this class creates a 
PreparedStatement.  In my situation, I needed it to create a CallableStatement so that 
I could 'harvest' values that were returned by the stored procedure.  So, my change 
was to simply replicate the code in prepareStatement(Connection, String, boolean) and 
change "con.prepareStatement" to "con.prepareCall".

I had to override getStatementsForClass(ClassDescriptor) because the implementation 
provided by org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.StatementManager instantiated the 
StatementsForClassImpl class, not my extension (above).

I believe that somewhere in my dialogs with Thomas, we discussed the possibility of 
making the first situation 'pluggable' so that neither of these extensions would be 
required.  Maybe some sort of 'StatementFactory' implementation.  I don't recall 
exactly where those discussions went.  Maybe it's time to reconsider the option since 
others are starting to use stored procedures.

Those are my thoughts.

Ron Gallagher
Atlanta, GA

> Date: 2003/07/08 Tue AM 10:19:27 EDT
> To: "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: Where Do Stored Procedures Fit Into An O/R Mapping Layer?
> The project I'm on has come to the point of integrating sp's into the app, and I was 
> wondering if there were any plans to incorporate Mr. Gallagher's ideas into the main 
> OJB distribution. If so, I'd be more than willing to lend a hand. 
> Also, maybe its my ignorance, but could you expand on the modifications you had to 
> make in org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.StatementsForClassImpl and 
> org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.StatementManager.getStatementsForClass(ClassDescriptor)?
>  My (admittedly very limited) understanding of these classes doesn't clue me as to 
> the reason/form of the modifications.
> Thanks, BTW, to Mr. Gallagher, Mr. Mahler, and the rest of the OJB team for a great 
> framework and documentation.

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