
I hope this is my last post for the week :-)
Here are two new problems that I face during my adoption of ojb. I think
 that if I can resolve both of them and the other one of my last post I
can change my mapping layer.

1 - Is it possible to specify a conversion on a collection. There is
nothing about that in the doc. My problem is that I have a n:m relation
between an object (represented by a table in my db) and an enum type
(represented by an Integer column.
Ex :
Class User -> Table User
Enum Role -> Integer on table User_Role

table User
  ID integer not null

table User_Role
  USER_ID integer not null,
  ROLE_ID integer not null,
  foreign key (USER_ID)   references USER(ID)

This point is quite important because I don't want to create a Role
table. I want my Role's instances to be unique, I don't want to load one
Role each time I have a link.

2 - Multiple indirections
User has a m:n relation with Profile which has m:n relation with Role. I
want to put a link User -> Role in my object model. Is it possible to
specify such a link that has to go through the tables :

This point is not really important because if this is not possible I can
 load my profiles and make the user-role link programmaticaly.

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