Is there a way to construct an OQL query (I am using the OTM, but it should be the same conceptually as the ODMG api) to query against the identity of a child persistent object. For example:

class Profile
        private Group group;

class Group


<class-descriptor class="Profile" table="Profiles">
<field-descriptor name="profileId" column="profileid" jdbc-type="INTEGER"
primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="UniqueIdentifier"
<field-descriptor name="groupId" column="groupid" jdbc-type="INTEGER" access="anonymous" />
<reference-descriptor name="Group">
<foreignkey field-ref="groupId"/>

<class-descriptor class="Group" table="Groups">
<field-descriptor name="groupId" column="groupid" jdbc-type="INTEGER" access="anonymous"
primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="UniqueIdentifier"

Note that the primary keys are all anonymous access -- the database keys are not visibile at the object level.

"select profiles from Profile where = $1"

and bind the Group identity? I am trying to keep anonymous keys

Thanks in advance!


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