Hi all,

I wonder, is there a way to modify the order of DELETE statements OJB 
sends out in response to several Database.deletePersistent() calls. 
Somehow the order seems just the opposite of what is needed: 

If there is a 1:1 relation with the FK in the parent object, OJB first 
deletes the child object, giving me a FK constraint violation. 
If there is a 1:n relation with the FK in the child objects, OJB first 
deletes the parent object, again giving me a FK constraint violation.

I have tried to play around with the order of Database.deletePersistent 
calls and/or Transaction.lock calls, but nothing seems to have an effect. 
My only resort is to do a Transaction.checkpoint call between the deletes, 
but I'd rather have all deleting in a single transaction.

Thanks for any hints!

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