How come I can't do a query and use a reference-descriptor.  It should
work.  Here's my code.

Criteria crit = new Criteria();
crit.addEqualTo("identifierText", value);
crit.addEqualTo("issuingAuthority", issuingAuthority);
Query query = QueryFactory.newQuery(PersonIdentifier.class, crit, true);
return (PersonIdentifier) broker.getObjectByQuery(query);

That doesn't work becuase issuingAuthority, is of type CodeValue, which
is a reference-descriptor to to an Integer.  It should work, because via
the mapping, OJB know both what issuingAuthority points to and it also
knows the id (pk) of CodeValue. To make it work, I have to do:

crit.addEqualTo("issuingAuthorityCode", issuingAuthority.getCode());

Sure, it works, but it's primitive.  The issuingAuthorityCode has
anonymous access, in which case my code doesn't even know about it. 
Now, I have to reference it in the code.

Does anyone have an opinion that they'd like to share.  Am I making a
mountain out of a molehill?


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