I've been using OJB for a month or so and am pretty impressed with it!
However, with the application getting complicated, updating a bunch of objects is 
taking a long time - i'm assuming this is because each time it is loading the whole 
tree of interconnected objects!

So my solution would seem to be proxies.  The tutorial on dynamic proxies isn't too 
clear.  It says:

"To use dynamic proxies the persistent class in question (in our case the Article 
class) must implement an interface (for example InterfaceArticle). This interface is 
needed to allow replacement of the proper Article object with a dynamic proxy 
implementing the same interface."

My question is: what must this interface provide?

Nearly all my BOs (all that i want to proxy) are subclasses the BaseBO bean (with two 
properties - deleted and id).
Can i create an interface with just these two methods, or do i have to create an 
interface for each bean, with all methods in it?


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