Hi Gus,

sorry for your hassle, but I think "we" never said
that the current JDO implementation (prototype) is
full JDO 1.0 compatible or a rc. See docs for JDO:

<snip from http://db.apache.org/ojb/tutorial4.html>
temporary note: OJB does not provide it's own JDO implementation yet. A full JDO implementation is in the scope of the 2.0 release. For the time being we provide a plugin to the JDO reference implementation called OjbStore . The OjbStore plugin resides in the package org.apache.ojb.jdori.sql .

PB-api and ODMG-api implementations are stable and used in
The "real work" of the JDO implementation (backed by the OTM-api)
will be start after the 1.0/1.1 release.


Gus Heck wrote:

Antonio Gallardo wrote:

Hi Gus:

First, you dont need to said:

I am getting the feeling that the JDO
implementation here is sketchy and really very beta or alpha, not so RC
ish... But I am probably doing something very wrong.

Please remember: You will find help on the list without making this type
of comments.

Yes I appologize, I was feeling rather frustrated, and not being very fair when I wrote that...

I've recently been burned by another technology so my fuse is a little short. I should get a new fuse :)

Now to the things:

Are you using JDO 1.00 or JDO 1.01? You need JDO 1.00. OJB does NOT work
with JDO 1.01.

Ah this appears to have been the problem. How strange that a maintainance release (by number at least) would be backwards incompatible. That must irritate the JDO implementors to no end. Thanks for your help.


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