Hi ;)


Also remeber that allowing for reattaching lazy collections to a new session "behind
your back" will mess up transaction boundaries, unless if you let ALL transactions
use the same objects and require that you perform the locking inside the JVM on objects instead.

OJB manages the locking of lazy objects and Collection by a deferred locking
We are not using database mechanism for locking (e.g. row level locking) but
our own LockManager mechanism.
We are not using any JVM locking or synchronization mechanisms!

EH!!? Huh! explain please ;) How can you synchronize/lock in memory without locking or synchronization mechanisms ?!

As I understand it, OJB handles it by doing locking in JVM but this changes the
database transaction isolation semantics

You are right, OJB is able to provide Isolation levels for Object
Transactions that are completely independ of the database transaction

And that is BAD from our view ;)

It's totally ok that OJB want to provide this feature,
but it really requires expert usage to use and is not simple and safe per default.

We have done this to clearly separate concerns. We don't want to mix RDBMS
transaction semantics with Object level transaction semantics!
One big problem with database tx isolation is that different vendors provide
completely different semantics. EG. DB2 has a mechanism called lock
escalation that locks the whole table if too much rows are locked. We don't
want such things to happen on the Object level!

Yes - and we also much more prefer optimistic locking than use database level locking (but we support both and we think the database is much better to perform synchronization of data than any client-side synchronization)

and it is a solution that does not scale
across multiple machines and it requires much more overhead in the Java code
(ie. in the implementation of OJB)

The OJB solution does scale well. The LockManager implementation is very
simple and so the overhead is not a problem.

Well - the ODMG implementation is much slower than the PB Api in your own tests, right? The Hibernate core's speed is comparable to the PB API + small overhead when using locking... and that is faster in the OJB ODMG implementation....so somewhere there is a bigger overhead somewhere ;)


Our LockManager architecture uses the same concepts as the lock service of
highly scalable OO databases like Objectivity.


There is also no way to clear cache

other than nullifing the Session which also leads to the

lazy collection

problem above. This is all probably not a problem if you

load and release

all data, including lookup data, with each use case e.g.

unit of work.

I was also dissapointed that there is no mechanism to
synchronize the cache with recent commits;

Is that not what session.refresh() is for ?
(or do you want a session wide refresh() method? - that would be slow!?!)

another reason you always have to
close the Session because it's the only way to remove stale

cache and get up

to date db data.

Again - you could use e.g. session.clear() for removing stale data...

Thanks for the comments and best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Mahler Thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 4:53 AM
To: 'OJB Users List'
Subject: RE: Persistence frameworks

Hi Max,


Just want to ask/clarify some stuff on this one - sorry for
the late "answer" ;)


OJB provides much more flexibility in caching; provides


transactions in a non-managed environment (if you are

running in a J2EE

container which provides JTA than this is probably a wash

as you will

probably want to use JTA for transactions and both OJB and


support using JTA);

May I ask what object-space transactions you mean OJB provides that
Hibernate does not ? (Is it the ODMG stuff you are

referring to, which

requires extra tables in the db ?)

The three high-level APIs (ODMG, JDO and OTM) provide full

object level

transaction management. They provide a full instance

life-cycle model as

specified by the JDO spec.
By using JTA these tx managers can be integrated into J2EE

containers or

other JTA compliant tx managers.

The ODMG implementation *does not* require any additional tables
in general!
- If you want to use special persistent collections (DList,

DMap, etc) you

must provide additional tables to hold these entities.
(AFAIK Hibernate does currently not provide support for the ODMG
collections. I'm pretty sure that once you start to implement
them you will
end up in providing some tables to hold their data...)
- If you want to run OJB/ODMG on a cluster you need an additional
lock table
in the DB which is used to synchronize transactions across

the cluster.


The biggest thing is a core design difference where OJB is
designed to be very flexible and allow you to get exactly

what you need

whereas Hibernate is designed to do it one way and make

that one way

match what most people need.

Yes - that's probably the biggest difference between OJB and Hibernate. Hibernate want KISS, OJB want ultimate flexibility ;)

My impression is that this was true some time ago, but you are
adding a lot
of pluggable features into Hibernate these days (Field

access strategies,

Cache implementations, etc.).
I don't believe that a KISS approach works for a heavy duty O/R
tool. Users
work in so many different environments with so many different
So IMO best thing to do is to design for ultimate flexibility

from scratch.

Finally, the licensing issue is either a

huge difference or a doesn't-matter depending on your

company's lawyers

and/or how you intend to distribute the application -- OJB is ASL
Hibernate is LGPL.

Just remember to read of license faq which states that Hibernate can be used in any project commercially or not - and without making your project opened source!

The only "limitations" is that you cannot fork Hibernate
(write ya' own persistence engine)
and that if you make some improvements to hibernate you
should submit them back
to the project.

IMO this *is* a limitation! OJB was build to allow users to write
their own
persistence engines by reusing our code-base. Apart from

providing object

orient persistence API's it's also meant as a construction kit for
persistence layers.

On the other hand Hibernate provides two things that OJB

does not -- a

forthcoming book

There are already several books available that have a

decent coverage of


/sr%3D2-1/ ref%3Dsr%5F2%5F1/102-4902036-7120135 and

http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1861007817/qid=1 054655953/sr=8


A book exclusive covering OJB is also under discussion.

and the ability to easily hand it a JDBC
Connection and

have it use that Connection (this can be done via some voodoo-like
runtime configuration of OJB, but isn't a good idea --

Of course OJB allows you to provide your own connection

lookup mechanism.

It would take about 5 Minutes to write a ConnectionManager


that can work with user connections. Until today nobody

requested this


According to Clark's law "sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic"

(http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ClarkesLaw). But the

OJB metadata and configurtaion framework applies patterns

that are known for

ages and covered by tons of textbooks

(http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?MetaObjectProtocol,http://c2.com/cgi/w iki?TheArtOfTh

eMetaObjectProtocol). So calling it voodoo is really giving

to much credit

to OJB ;-)

pretty much

needs to know the JNDI lookup for your DataSource in its


ok - did not knew that. I seem to remember using OJB before
without requiring
any kind of JNDI!?

Correct, JNDI is not mandatory, it's an option.


Just my 2 cents ;)




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