Jakob Braeuchi dijo:
> hi robert,
> what do you think about a 'NOT'-flag in the criteria ?
> Criteri crit = new Criteria();
> crit.addEqualTo("field1","test1");
> crit.addEqualTo("field2","test1");
> crit.setNegative(true);


Is important to have the parameter in setNegative()? I guess, this is
because we can turn it off later. Right?

I think when we build a criteria we already know if it would negative or
not. In that case the parameter is not needed at all.

But maybe, in some special situation, someone can need to reverse the
setNegative() effect in the criteria. In this case the param is needed.

This are just random thoughts about this topic.

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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