I have reused the ant build files of the ojb-blank project to build my
own things. I have added a target to produce an ojb repository and a
project schema via ojb doclets, a target to generate the database by
means of torque (by the way, the repository.xml file is missing in the
ojb-blank project). But the result is not yet satisfactory. 
1.How to avoid editing the project-schema generated via ojb doclets?  I
have to replace "http://jakarta.apache.org/turbine/dtd/database.dtd
<http://jakarta.apache.org/turbine/dtd/database.dtd> " with
"src/schema/database.dtd", otherwise ...

   [torque-sql] Using contextProperties file:
   [torque-sql] Using classpath
   [torque-sql] Generating to file
   [torque-sql] Parsing file: 'myproject-schema.xml'
   [torque-sql] (transform.DTDResolver               140 ) Resolver:
used    http://jakarta.apache.org/turbine/dtd/database.dtd
   [torque-sql] (transform.DTDResolver               160 ) Couldn't read
DTD specified in XML schema: 
   [torque-sql] java.net.UnknownHostException: jakarta.apache.org
2. Is it possible to configure the ojbdoclet task to generate the ojb
repository and torque schema in to different directories?
3. Is it fitting to generate the ojb repository in src/resources and
torque schema in src/schema?
Many Thanks and happy New Year!

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