
Jair da Silva Ferreira Júnior wrote:

    I am using ojb1.0_rc5, ODMG api with OJB queries, mysql4 (innodb tables)
in Linux Red Hat 7.3 (kernel 2.4.20-20.7).
    I am using ObjectCacheDefaultImpl in my application as it's
    I have some questions about the behavior of the timeout attribute in
        1- Is the timeout attribute new in rc5? In other words, did the
timeout attribute exist in rc4?

it's new to rc5

2- If I configure the cache using the OJB.properties file like this:

            Is the timeout attribute set to 900 (default)?

yes, default timeout is 900 sec

            Is there a way I can set this attribute in the OJB.properties

no (think in 1.1 Version we will remove cache configuration from OJB.properties file)

or is it only set through the <object-cache> tag in the repository?

yep, within jdbc-connection-descriptor or class-descriptor

        3- Is the time counter of a cached object reset when it is updated
(the object's data is changed and commited to the database)?


        4- If a cached object timeouts and it is still being referenced by
other objects in my application (it is not elegible for garbage collection),
will it be returned from cache or will the object's data be reloaded from db
in the same JVM object or will a new JVM object be created to hold the
reloaded data?

timeout has highest priority, thus it will be removed from cache whether or not it's being referenced by other objects and be reloaded from DB


Thanks, Jair Jr

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