Hi Armin,
thanks for your patience, first!
but the things with declaring PK_Fields
i read at:
i did everything like told me :-)
the document is written nice and understandful,
but only the little thing 
froeign-key is null in my case...

did you know if this sample is available?
i didnīt found it in src-distribution.

thanks alot!

 --- Armin Waibel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb: > Hi
>  > but in my case the own idīs
>  > of a class where anonymous too,
>  > is that the matter?
> AFAIK we don't have a test case that mix this stuff.
> Think it is not allowed to declare a PK field
> anonymous.
> Recommend you to setup a test case similar to the
> examples in test suite 
> or docu
> (http://db.apache.org/ojb/tutorial3.html#Mapping 1:1
> associations). As recently as your test pass start
> to tweak ;-)
> regards,
> Armin
> Ralf Bode wrote:
> > Hi Armin, again...
> > ...sorry...
> > 
> > i looked in samples you told me!
> > (thanks for tipps!)
> > but i have all so like
> > 1:1-relationship
> > org.apache.ojb.broker.ObjectRepository$Group
> > org.apache.ojb.broker.ObjectRepository$Componente
> > (access="anonymous" for reffered ids)
> > but in my case the own idīs
> > of a class where anonymous too,
> > is that the matter?
> > but i donīt think so, because
> > for car and customer a id is "generated".
> > 
> > But only!!! the reffered id 
> > (in customer for car is "null")
> > 
> > ...strangely... isnīt it ?
> > 
> > perhaps i can send it to list / to you?
> > (i asked, because i will not blow up list
> >   with my (i think) foolishness)
> > 
> > thanks for your patience!
> > ralf
> >  --- Armin Waibel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb: >
> Hi
> > Ralf,
> > 
> >>Ralf Bode wrote:
> >>
> >>>hi ... again :-(
> >>>
> >>>it is really frustratingly...
> >>>i turned OTM->true
> >>>made:
> >>>customer.setCar(car)
> >>>broker.store(customer);
> >>>
> >>
> >>I don't know what's wrong with your test, but this
> >>will definitely work 
> >>with the PB-api.
> >>You can find many examples in test suite, e.g. 
> >>...broker.AnonymousFieldsTest.
> >>
> >>regards,
> >>Armin
> >>
> >>
> >>>but same...
> >>>customer is in DB, car not!
> >>>:-(
> >>>
> >>>i have read in aritcle in german-javamag
> >>>on OJB there was said "all is nice"
> >>>
> >>>or am i to stuid?
> >>>
> >>>i though it would be possible
> >>>to store "customer" and his car...
> >>>has anyone a "runnig"-case for an idot, like me?
> >>>
> >>>thanks!
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --- Brian McCallister
> >>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb: >
> >>
> >>Objects
> >>
> >>>are not automatically stored by reachability
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>-- the car isn't 
> >>>>inserted because it is attached to Customer.
> This
> >>>>*can* actually be 
> >>>>done in the OTM if Car is a truly dependent
> object
> >>>>(otm-dependent 
> >>>>attribute), but in the PB an object must be made
> >>>>explicitly persistent.
> >>>>
> >>>>broker.store(ca);
> >>>>broker.store(cu);
> >>>>
> >>>>-Brian
> >>>>
> >>>>On Feb 2, 2004, at 3:13 PM, Ralf Bode wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>Hi Brian,
> >>>>>now i got an "anonym" id
> >>>>>(very nice, so i now have "pure" javaBeans
> >>>>>no technicals in it :-)
> >>>>>
> >>>>>i made
> >>>>>cu = new Custiomer();
> >>>>>ca = new Car();
> >>>>>cu.setCar(ca);
> >>>>>broker.store(cu);
> >>>>>
> >>>>>now only a customer was in DB
> >>>>>
> >>>>>i must add the "auto-*" in descriptor:
> >>>>><reference-descriptor
> >>>>> name="car"
> >>>>> class-ref="de.ralle.Car"
> >>>>> auto-retrive="true"
> >>>>> auto-update="true"
> >>>>> auto-delete="true">
> >>>>><foreignkey field-ref="carId"/>
> >>>>></reference-descriptor>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>now i have a car and a customer,
> >>>>>but custumer.carId is "null" in database...
> >>>>>of course carId is anonym too! ...
> >>>>>
> >>>>>any idea? or am i to silly
> >>>>>and i must do pure sql ... as a penalty... ?
> :-)
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>in table customer is:
> >>>>>(
> >>>>>       CARID INT,
> >>>>>);
> >>>>>
> >>>>>thanks!
> >>>>>
> >>>>>--- Ralf Bode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb: >
> >>>>
> >>>>Thanks
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>Brian,
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>but do you mean with "anonymous" keys ?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>now i have (in classes):
> >>>>>>CUSTOMER
> >>>>>>car: Car
> >>>>>>carId: int
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>CAR:
> >>>>>>id: int
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>(and the XML desc for it like in mail before)
> >>>>>>am i with anon.keys able to "see" car-fk in
> >>>>>>database-table CUSTOMER?
> >>>>>>after:
> >>>>>>broker.store(customer); ?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>thanks again, and thanks for your patience.
> >>>>>>greetings!
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>>On the FK thing, if you do not use anonymous
> >>>>
> >>>>FK's
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>>>the ID's need to be
> >>>>>>>managed manually, as well as the references.
> I
> >>>>>>
=== message truncated === 


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