On Mon, 16 Feb 2004, marc salvetti wrote:

> well in fact i don't have much choices as i don't control my host computer and 
> resin versions

I wonder why this should have anything to do with resin ? From what you
posted it seems more like a problem with the XML parser, as the
isolation-level (which you probably didn't specify at first) wasn't
read. If you don't specify an attribute value, the XML parser is supposed
to fetch the default value from the DTD (if it exists), and if there is no
default value (because e.g. it's CDATA) then a null is returned.
So could it be that you either use an old repository.dtd (where there is
no isolation-level attribute declared), or that the XML parser does not
find the DTD (and is not configured to complain) ?
You might want to try putting 'http://db.apache.org/ojb/repository.dtd' as
the DTD location into your repository.xml.


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