Aye, readonly will do it! I had to look in the source code for SequenceManagerNativeImpl to the extractIdentityColumnField() method. Try it! You'll like it!

private FieldDescriptor extractIdentityColumnField(ClassDescriptor cld)
FieldDescriptor[] pkFields = cld.getPkFields();
for (int i = 0; i < pkFields.length; i++)
// to find the identity column we search for a autoincrement
// read-only field
if (pkFields[i].isAutoIncrement() && pkFields[i].isAccessReadOnly())
return pkFields[i];
return null;

From: "Stijn de Witt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problems saving a m:n relationship
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 15:52:35 +0200

Hi Glenn,

Thanks for your message. I had just completed converting the sequencemanager
to HighLow and setting autoincrement to "ojb", and that seems to fix it,
however, I find this solution less elegant, because the sequencemanager is
ojb-specific and I would like to keep the base db model approachable form
multiple persistence layers. In short, I'd like to keep the responsibility
for generating the database id's in the database.

> OK. If you're having the DB assign the PK value, then you need an
> "autoincrement="true""  and "access="readonly"" in the field descriptor.
> Upon insert, that'll fire the OJB code that retrieves the value assigned
> updates the data model.

Interesting, this access="readonly" stuff...I didn't have that set...Maybe
that was the cause?
Also I had autoincrement set to "database" in my XDoclet comments.
I'll reconvert it back and see if this was the culprit. Thanks for your


P.S. To my understanding I should use the NativeImpl sequence manager for ----- Original Message ----- From: "Glenn Barnard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 3:06 PM Subject: Re: Problems saving a m:n relationship

> Just a stab at trying to help. Hopefully I have read your problem
> correctly.
> I'm using auto increment for a MS SQL Server 2000 DB. It needs rc6--but
> that's just MS SQL Server.
> OK. If you're having the DB assign the PK value, then you need an
> "autoincrement="true"" and "access="readonly"" in the field descriptor.
> Upon insert, that'll fire the OJB code that retrieves the value assigned
> updates the data model.
> >From: Armin Waibel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: OJB Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: Problems saving a m:n relationship
> >Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 12:20:57 +0200
> >
> >Hi Stijn,
> >
> > > Is it recommended to use mysql's auto-increment with OJB? If so, what
> >I
> > > doing wrong? If not, what other approach might you suggest?
> > >
> >
> >hmm, it should work. Your code seems ok. In OJB junit test suite we have
> >one test using Identity column based PK fields. You can find this test in
> >[db-ojb]/src/test/org/.../broker/sequence/NativeIdentifierTest
> >This test works for hsql and mysql and use SequenceManagerNativeImpl as
> >sequence-manager in jdbc-connection-decriptor (in test the SM was set at
> >runtime). The metadata mappings can be found in
> >repository_junit_meta_seq.xml file.
> >I never try to store m:n relations using SequenceManagerNativeImpl, but
> >work for 1:n relation, thus I assume it will work for m:n too.
> >
> >regards,
> >Armin
> >
> >Stijn de Witt wrote:
> >>Ok, I have fixed my versioning problems. I can access the new
> >>PersistenceBroker methods and the code runs. To rule out any website
> >>related
> >>sideeffects, and to get more info about what is happening, I have
> >>a
> >>separate test app and set debugging levels more verbose.
> >>The test code looks like this:
> >>
> >>-----
> >> public static void main(String[] args)
> >> {
> >> logger.info("main: Starting...");
> >> PropertyConfigurator.configure(args[0]);
> >>
> >> logger.info("main: Getting persistence broker...");
> >> PersistenceBroker broker = null;
> >> try
> >> {
> >> broker =
> >>
> >> logger.info("main: Assigning data to persistent
> >> Person person = new Person();
> >> Address address = new Address();
> >> person.getAddresses().add(address);
> >>
> >> person.setFirstName("stijn");
> >> person.setMiddleName("de");
> >> person.setLastName("Witt");
> >> address.setStreet("Graafseweg");
> >> address.setHouseNr("7");
> >>
> >> logger.info("main: Starting transaction...");
> >> broker.beginTransaction();
> >> Address tmp;
> >> Iterator it = person.getAddresses().iterator();
> >>
> >> while (it.hasNext())
> >> {
> >> logger.info("main: Store address...");
> >> broker.store(it.next());
> >> }
> >>
> >> logger.info("main: Store person...");
> >> broker.store(person);
> >>
> >> broker.serviceBrokerHelper().link(person, true);
> >> logger.info("main: Commit transaction...");
> >> broker.commitTransaction();
> >> }
> >> catch(Exception e)
> >> {
> >> logger.error("main: ERROR getting persistence broker:");
> >> logger.error("main: " + e.getMessage());
> >> }
> >>
> >>
> >> logger.info("main: Done.");
> >> }
> >>-----
> >>
> >>
> >>Here is a fragment of the output:
> >>
> >>-----
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,500 [main] DEBUG ConnectionFactoryAbstractImpl -
> >>Create
> >>new connection using DriverManager: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,500 [main] DEBUG ConnectionManagerImpl - Request new
> >>connection from ConnectionFactory: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,500 [main] DEBUG ConnectionManagerImpl - localBegin
> >>was
> >>called for con [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,500 [main] DEBUG ConnectionManagerImpl - Try to
> >>autoCommit state to 'false'
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,500 [main] INFO OjbTester - main: Store address...
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,531 [main] DEBUG JdbcAccessImpl - executeInsert :
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,531 [main] DEBUG SqlGeneratorDefaultImpl -
> >>INTO bit_Address (id,street,houseNr,zipCode,city,state,country,type)
> >>(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,546 [main] DEBUG JdbcAccessImpl - executeInsert:
> >>(id,street,houseNr,zipCode,city,state,country,type) VALUES
> >>(0,'Graafseweg','7','','','','',null)
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,562 [main] DEBUG StatementManager - closeResources
> >>called
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,562 [main] INFO CacheDistributor - Create new
> >>ObjectCacheImplementation for 'default'
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,562 [main] INFO OjbTester - main: Store person...
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,562 [main] DEBUG JdbcAccessImpl - executeInsert :
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,562 [main] DEBUG SqlGeneratorDefaultImpl -
> >>INTO bit_Person
> >>ality) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,562 [main] DEBUG JdbcAccessImpl - executeInsert:
> >>ality) VALUES (0,null,null,null,'de','Witt','stijn',null,null)
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,609 [main] DEBUG StatementManager - closeResources
> >>called
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,609 [main] DEBUG SqlGeneratorDefaultImpl -
> >>FROM bit_PersonEmailAddress WHERE personId=?
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,609 [main] DEBUG JdbcAccessImpl - executeUpdateSQL:
> >>DELETE FROM bit_PersonEmailAddress WHERE personId=?
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,640 [main] DEBUG StatementManager - closeResources
> >>called
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,640 [main] DEBUG SqlGeneratorDefaultImpl -
> >>FROM bit_PersonPhoneNumber WHERE personId=?
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,640 [main] DEBUG JdbcAccessImpl - executeUpdateSQL:
> >>DELETE FROM bit_PersonPhoneNumber WHERE personId=?
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,671 [main] DEBUG StatementManager - closeResources
> >>called
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,671 [main] DEBUG JdbcAccessImpl - executeInsert :
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,687 [main] DEBUG JdbcAccessImpl - executeInsert:
> >>(id,street,houseNr,zipCode,city,state,country,type) VALUES
> >>(0,'Graafseweg','7','','','','',null)
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,687 [main] DEBUG StatementManager - closeResources
> >>called
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,687 [main] DEBUG SqlGeneratorDefaultImpl -
> >>addressId FROM bit_PersonAddress WHERE personId=?
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,687 [main] DEBUG JdbcAccessImpl - executeSQL: SELECT
> >>addressId FROM bit_PersonAddress WHERE personId=?
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,750 [main] DEBUG SqlGeneratorDefaultImpl -
> >>FROM bit_PersonEmailAddress WHERE personId=?
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,750 [main] DEBUG JdbcAccessImpl - executeUpdateSQL:
> >>DELETE FROM bit_PersonEmailAddress WHERE personId=?
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,750 [main] DEBUG StatementManager - closeResources
> >>called
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,750 [main] DEBUG SqlGeneratorDefaultImpl -
> >>FROM bit_PersonPhoneNumber WHERE personId=?
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,750 [main] DEBUG JdbcAccessImpl - executeUpdateSQL:
> >>DELETE FROM bit_PersonPhoneNumber WHERE personId=?
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,750 [main] DEBUG StatementManager - closeResources
> >>called
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,750 [main] DEBUG SqlGeneratorDefaultImpl -
> >>INTO bit_PersonAddress (personId,addressId) VALUES (?,?)
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,750 [main] DEBUG JdbcAccessImpl - executeUpdateSQL:
> >>INSERT INTO bit_PersonAddress (personId,addressId) VALUES (?,?)
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,750 [main] DEBUG StatementManager - closeResources
> >>called
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,750 [main] INFO OjbTester - main: Commit
> >>transaction...
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,750 [main] DEBUG ConnectionManagerImpl - commit was
> >>called
> >>2004-04-14 11:41:48,750 [main] INFO OjbTester - main: Done.
> >>-----
> >>
> >>Now I see the insert for address passing an id, which looks wrong to me
> >>(since it is an auto-increment column), but it works ok. However, the
> >>generated id is never fetched from the database, so it is no wonder that
> >>the
> >>personId and addressId fields in the link table bit_PersonAddress get
> >>to
> >>0!
> >>
> >>Is it recommended to use mysql's auto-increment with OJB? If so, what am
> >>doing wrong? If not, what other approach might you suggest?
> >>
> >>Thanks for all your time,
> >>-Stijn
> >>
> >>
> >>----- Original Message ----- From: "Stijn de Witt"
> >>Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 1:32 PM
> >>Subject: Problems saving a m:n relationship
> >>
> >>
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >>I have a problem trying to persist two objects that are related through
> >>indirection table. This is what my tables look like:
> >>
> >>-----
> >>id
> >>firstname
> >>lastname
> >>...
> >>
> >>id
> >>street
> >>housenr
> >>...
> >>
> >>person_id
> >>address_id
> >>-----
> >>
> >>
> >>I have chosen for this construction, because COMPANY can have multiple
> >>addresses too, so I don't want a column person_id in ADDRESS. One
> >>doesn't have to be available for multiple PERSON's or COMPANY's or
> >>whatever,
> >>so it actually is more of a 1:n relationship using an indirection table.
> >>So
> >>PERSON_ADDRESS will often contain the same person_id multiple times, but
> >>not
> >>the same address_id.
> >>I've read the tutorials, but I don't get it to work. I'll show (a
> >>of) our repository_user.xml:
> >>
> >>
> >>-----
> >><class-descriptor
> >> class="nl.bergland.codamo.Address"
> >> table="bit_Address"
> >>
> >> <field-descriptor
> >> name="id"
> >> column="id"
> >> jdbc-type="INTEGER"
> >> primarykey="true"
> >> length="11"
> >> >
> >> </field-descriptor>
> >> <field-descriptor
> >> name="street"
> >> column="street"
> >> jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
> >> length="64"
> >> >
> >> </field-descriptor>
> >> <field-descriptor
> >> name="houseNr"
> >> column="houseNr"
> >> jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
> >> length="16"
> >> >
> >> </field-descriptor>
> >></class-descriptor>
> >>
> >><class-descriptor
> >> class="nl.bergland.codamo.Person"
> >> table="bit_Person"
> >>
> >> <field-descriptor
> >> name="id"
> >> column="id"
> >> jdbc-type="INTEGER"
> >> primarykey="true"
> >> length="11"
> >> >
> >> </field-descriptor>
> >> <field-descriptor
> >> name="firstName"
> >> column="firstName"
> >> jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
> >> length="24"
> >> >
> >> </field-descriptor>
> >> <field-descriptor
> >> name="lastName"
> >> column="lastName"
> >> jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
> >> length="24"
> >> >
> >> </field-descriptor>
> >> <collection-descriptor
> >> name="addresses"
> >> element-class-ref="nl.bergland.codamo.Address"
> >> indirection-table="bit_PersonAddress"
> >> auto-retrieve="true"
> >> auto-update="true"
> >> auto-delete="true"
> >> >
> >> <fk-pointing-to-this-class column="personId"/>
> >> <fk-pointing-to-element-class column="addressId"/>
> >> </collection-descriptor>
> >></class-descriptor>
> >>-----
> >>
> >>
> >>The generated tables in mysql seem to be ok with me (we actually use
> >>OjbDoclet to generate the repository.xml and the SQL) and insertion of a
> >>PERSON works fine. However, when we create a new person, add a new
> >>to it and try to save the person, the following happens:
> >>
> >>A new record gets created for PERSON fine
> >>A new record gets created for ADDRESS fine, but when I set auto-update
> >>true, 2 get created??
> >>A new record gets created for PERSON_ADDRESS, but both the columns
> >>person_id
> >>and address_id are set to 0.
> >>
> >>Our save code looks something like this:
> >>
> >>
> >>-----
> >> Person person = new Person;
> >> person.getAddresses().add(new Address());
> >>
> >> Implementation impl = OJB.getInstance();
> >> Database db = impl.newDatabase();
> >>
> >> db.open("default", Database.OPEN_READ_WRITE);
> >> Transaction tx = impl.newTransaction();
> >> tx.begin();
> >>
> >> // establish database locks on all root dataobjects
> >> tx.lock(person, Transaction.WRITE);
> >>
> >>
> >> // set person and address values
> >> // ...
> >>
> >> tx.commit();
> >> db.close();
> >>-----
> >>
> >>
> >>A lot of info for a first-time post, I hope this problem sounds familiar
> >>to
> >>someone here.
> >>Thanks,
> >>
> >>-Stijn
> >>
> >>
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