Hi Angus,

Angus Berry wrote:

I'm hoping someone can help me out here. I'm running OJB quite happily,
but now I need to add a second Database.

The second database is akin to a data warehouse. It contains a large
amount of data that I only want to read from for reference purposes. In
the future, other applications may also independently access this
database outside of my control, hence I don't want to mingle it's tables
with my application specific database.

Can anyone suggest how I should configure this or a strategy to achieve
the above

Generally speaking you have two alternatives:

- Setup a separate repository file repositoryWarehouse.xml (with own sub-files for connection repositoryWarehouse_database.xml and object metadata....) and read this new repository at runtime before the first use. Info about how to read and merge metadata can be found here

- A much simpler soulution will be to extend the existing repository file by using separate sub-files. Create a new repositoryWarehouse_database.xml and define the jdbc-connection-descriptor for the warehouse DB (as you only want to do read-only operations the sequence manager should be never used, but I recommend to set SequenceManagerInMemoryImpl as sequence manager, this implementation doesn't need any external tables).
Create a repositoryWarehouse_user.xml and add all class-descriptor used to access the warehouse tables (be aware of name conflicts with existing class-descriptors).

You can access the warehouse DB (not default connection, attribute 'default-connection' in jdbc-connection-descriptor have to be 'false' in this case) by pass a PBKey to the PBF:

PBKey pbWarehouse = new PBKey(jcdAliasWarehouse,username, passwd);
PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.createPersistenceBroker(pbWarehouse);



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