
I've updated to OJB 1.0 and now I'm trying OJB doclet module.
I already documented some classes with ojb.class and so on, but I always
get an empty .xml file with only 2 lines of commets. There is no error
message, only ones like

INFO: Some classes refer to other classes that were not found among the
sources or on the classpath.  (Perhaps the referred class doesn't exist?
Hasn't been generated yet?)
The referring classes do not import any fully qualified classes matching
there classes belong to the same package as the referring class. The
classes are:
 '..\Project\br\...\beans\MyBean.java --> My qualified to
br...beans.My') (one line like this for each interface)

Where My is an interface to MyBean and doclets are in MyBean.

My target is:

<target name="xyz">
  <taskdef name="ojbdoclet"
  <ojbdoclet destdir=".">
    <fileset dir="${src}/br/.../beans" includes="**/*.java"/>
    <ojbrepository verbose="true"

Any tips?



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