Ahh, I don't think that is the case, since my Class-Path setting is
dynamically generated when I produce the EAR by taking all of the jars
in my lib directory and adding it to that setting.

Now, I did not update my commons-* jar file for 1.0 -- and you are
saying that there was some upgrades? I wonder if that could be the



-----Original Message-----
From: Armin Waibel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 2:48 PM
To: OJB Users List
Subject: Re: Jboss and ClassCastException (MetadataManager and
JdbcConnectionDescriptor) -- anyone else have it?

Clute, Andrew wrote:

> Armin,
> Could you clarify for me what you mean by "I think that some jar files

> changed between rc6 and 1.0".

sorry, my bad English ;-)
I mean the names of some jars are changed, e.g. 
instead of commons-collections.jar.
Maybe you have a jar in classpath that doesn't match the Class-Path


Are you saying that dependencies were
> removed that rc6 had that 1.0 doesn't need? My Class-Path entry from 
> my EJB jar file contains the following entries:
> Manifest-Version: 1.0
> Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.1
> Created-By: 1.4.2-b28 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
> Built-By: andrew.clute
> Class-Path: Merlia.jar OSNHtml.jar antlr.jar commons-beanutils.jar com

> mons-collections.jar commons-dbcp.jar commons-digester.jar commons-fi

> leupload.jar commons-lang.jar commons-logging.jar commons-pool.jar co

> mmons-validator.jar db-ojb-1.0.0-src.jar db-ojb-1.0.0.jar jakarta-poi

> -1.5.1.jar p6spy.jar
> Are you thinking that there are unnesscary entries in it? I guess am 
> not sure what the cause or solution would be based on your statement 
> to look for. Thanks!
> -Andrew
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Armin Waibel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 2:34 PM
> To: OJB Users List
> Subject: Re: Jboss and ClassCastException (MetadataManager and
> JdbcConnectionDescriptor) -- anyone else have it?
> Clute, Andrew wrote:
>>I am almost certain that is a ClassLoader issue. 
>>Yes, my deployment looks almost the exact same as Stephen's (in fact, 
>>I chimed in when he first posted that stating that is already how I 
>>was doing it, and it worked fine).
>>Now, something I forgot to mention: We have only started seeing this 
>>since we upgraded to 1.0 from 1.0RC6. We see the problem on both our 
>>dev server that is on Jboss 3.2.3, and on my development machine that 
>>is on Jboss 3.2.5.
>>Are there any known parts to the OJB Metadata and Configuration stuff 
>>that lives through redeployments (i.e. is static)?
> As far as I know the ClassLoader take care of static instances too.
> Did you check all jar names and Class-Path entries in your config
> I think that some jar files changed between rc6 and 1.0
> Armin
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Armin Waibel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 2:14 PM
>>To: OJB Users List
>>Subject: Re: Jboss and ClassCastException (MetadataManager and
>>JdbcConnectionDescriptor) -- anyone else have it?
>>Hi Andrew,
>>think this is a ClassLoader problem. Maybe ojb.jar itself or one of 
>>the jars OJB depends on is not correctly reloaded.
>>Did you follow the instructions made by Stephen Ting
>>Clute, Andrew wrote:
>>>I am running OJB 1.0 with JBoss 3.2.5.
>>>On *occasional* redeployments of my EAR file (with nested Jars and
>>>Wars) I will get a nasty ClassCastException that is only fixable by 
>>>restarting Jboss. This happens in the
>>MetadataManager.buildDefaultKey() method.
>>>The top part of the stack trace is posted below. From what I can 
>>>the exception stems from not that it is the wrong class attempting to

>>>be casted, but it is an instance of a class that is from a previous 
>>>deployment (and thus classloader) that is trying to be casted in to 
>>>the same class type in a new class loader.
>>>I have taken a quick look at MetadataManager, and don't see anything 
>>>terribly obvious as to the cause -- which I would assume is a static 
>>>instance to the Collection of JdbcConnectionsDescriptors. There is a 
>>>ThreadLocal variable, but I don't think that is the cause.
>>>So, my question is: has anyone else seen this? Can anyone think of 
>>>on a undeployment that not all of the OJB classes are removed from 
>>>Here is the stacktrace:
>>>2004-08-11 13:24:22,923 ERROR [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor]
>>>     at
>>>     at org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.MetadataManager.init(Unknown
>>>     at org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.MetadataManager.<init>(Unknown
>>>     at
>>>     at
>>>y(Unknown Source)
>>>     at
>>>stenceBroker(Unknown Source)
>>>     at
>>>Unknown Source)
>>>     at
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