Thomas Dudziak wrote:
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:

Daniel Perry wrote:

Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:

Check "Java Tools documentation" in Java docs (downloaded separately).

[I'm not interested in the documentation, but in the design-rationales. This is more out of curisity.]

I've often wondered if sun just got lazy :)

[...] - (further explanations)

I tend to agree with the laziness.


You should know this already:

your suggestions subjecting "the process of learning java" and "the
process of contributing to projects" did not have any relevance for me.

Knowing the basics of java, ant, etc will certainly help you in developing
these kind of projects, and help you to keep questions on this list OJB

To develope the project i like to develope, I need to have as less domain-knowledge as possible.

Hmm, that is a strange remark from somebody trying to develop a project.

My project is a newcomer tutorial.

On the contrary, you should try to get *as much* domain knowledge as you can (as time and budget allow) because you need it to develop the correct system (as specified by the customer) and to do so in the correct way (i.e. technical and environmental constraints, e.g. Java, the database etc.).

I want to develope an ojb-intro, which is usable by total newcomers.

[INTRO01] - I01 - Simple Java Class - Need the quickstart application !

This way necomers, which are attracted by a main-page which is similar to the suggested one...

[SUGGESTION] - S01 - Website.MainPage & QuickStarts

are not disapointed.

My questions _are_ OJB user specific, affecting the tutorials and the [QUICKSTART].

As you can see within this thread, the team had some difficulties to provide me the solution.

Now I know the reason!

Right. Hmm, lets see: OJB is a Java library / O/R mapping framework, so what you need to know *in advance* in order to use it would be Java. Likewise, OJB uses Ant for building, so you also need at least a little bit of knowledge about Ant, e.g. how to install Ant, how to invoke it.

This is only true, if the ojb-developers fail to encapsulate the domain knowledge.

This is all basic stuff that you should be familiar with for about, I guess, 90-100% of the open-source Java stuff for developers out there. And there is no point in asking about Java or Ant on this mailing list, there are other well-known places for this (see http::// and and

So, why the OJB-team has not asked there, when I raised the question about _ojb's_ ant scripts.

At one point, i've asked the list: "should i ask on the ant list"?

If you're not willing to get this knowledge, then you're right, then we as the developers have difficulties to provide you the 'solution' because we cannot and will not teach you Java or Ant, you will have to do this yourself if you want to get anywhere in the Java world (as with any other computer language or environment).

We are talking about a "run" and a "deploy" abstraction.

Which you have finally created, but not posted to the threads where i've asked for it.

And please, 'requesting' stuff won't get you anywhere because it is rude.

"Requesting" is not rude.

RFC = Request For Comments.


I'm afraid you're confusing "requesting" with "demanding".

"Requesting": means in German: Bitten, Anfragen.

You should be polite (as everybody else on this list is), and read the docs (because that is what there are for) and ask for help if you're stuck. And if you can provide input or corrections or improvements, all the better, as we're more than willing to incorporate them into OJB.

I don't think that the people on this list (especially you) are very polite.

Otherwise you would not hide changes, which were initiated by an individual (me) behind necessary domain-knowledge (CVS acess).

You wrote this large message here, but you've still not posted the corrections to the list, thus the thread becomes usable in the archives (and i get my solution).

Btw, as I said I don't think that a quickstart won't get you anywhere, because it only shows that OJB works, but not how. That is what the getting-started doc and the ojb-blank is for. If you think that you can enhance the doc, great, go ahead and post whatever you have to this list.

As said again: I depend on a minimum assistance from the developers.

But it seems that stubberness and egoism rules in this project.



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