Peter Juszack wrote:

we use OJB 1.0-rc5 together with JBoss 3.2.1 and EJB in a production
environment. The system is up for about one and a half years. The
problem is, that we have to restart the JBoss application server once
a week. This is necessary because new ServerContexts (Logins) can't
get a persistence broker from the pool (stack tarce follows).
I know that problem. We had the same a time ago. I think there are 2 solutions: First you must close each broker with broker.close. Check your code for this. Second it seems this is a bug in your ojb version. Since we changed to ojb 1.0.1 we haven't had this problem anymore.
The change from 1.0-rc5 to 1.0.1 was really easy and without any trouble.

good luck



Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thomas Franke

Leiter Entwicklung
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