Hi Armin,

Thanks for the tip about building the identity objects. I do agree that my
problem sounds similar to OJB-63. I'm using code downloaded from the SVN
OJB_1_0_RELEASE branch as of 23rd of this month. Like what is described in
OJB-63 when I have
I can see the correct sql being generated with the "clazz_" column in the
ResultSet and hence the correct class is created. However when I turn
debugging off for this class, i.e I set it to
the super class is generated. I tried changing the loglevel for the other
jdbc access querying and object materialization class entries in the
OJB-logging.properties file and only setting the loglevel to DEBUG for
SqlGeneratorDefaultImpl works. This is rather strange to me. Please advice,
thank you.


-----Original Message-----
From: Armin Waibel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 10:20 PM
To: OJB Users List
Subject: Re: OJB and the X-Files... :)

Hi Chris,

Christopher Lowe wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have a simple inheritance relationship between a Special and
> ActivitySpecial. I'm using proxies throughout my project with the cglib
> proxy factory and indirection handler (I'm also using the broker API). I'm
> performing a simple query to find an activity special as follows:
> Special special = (Special) broker.getObjectByIdentity(new Identity(new
> Special(24), broker));
> log.debug("Special: " + special);

It's recommended to use the service class IdentityFactory to build the 
Identity and lookup persistent objects.

> Now here is the catch. When I set
> in the OJB-logging.properties file everything works fine. The correct
> is materialized and when the debug statement is printed out the correct
> class ActivitySpecial is present. However when I set
> the object that is materialized is Special. This is really weird behavior.
> Does anyone have an idea why this would occur? 

this sounds like OJB-63

and was fixed for OJB 1.0.4. Do you use the latest version of OJB?


> I've included the mappings
> for the classes mentioned above as well as the entries I have for my
> database repository. 
> Mappings:
> <class-descriptor class="com.dm.beans.Special" table="special">
>     <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER"
> primarykey="true" nullable="false" autoincrement="true"/>
>     <field-descriptor name="supplierId" column="SUPPLIER_ID"
> jdbc-type="INTEGER" />    
>     <field-descriptor name="name" column="NAME" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
>     <field-descriptor name="ackOptLock" column="ACK_OPT_LOCK"
> jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true"/>
>     <reference-descriptor 
>         name="supplier" 
>         class-ref="com.dm.beans.suppliers.Supplier" 
>         proxy="true" 
>         auto-update="link" 
>         auto-delete="none"
>     >
>         <foreignkey field-ref="supplierId"/>
>     </reference-descriptor>        
>     <collection-descriptor
>          name="products"
> collection-class="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.collections.RemovalAwareList"
>          element-class-ref="com.dm.beans.Product"
>          auto-update="link"
>          auto-delete="link"
>          proxy="true"
>          indirection-table="product_special"
>     >
>          <fk-pointing-to-this-class column="SPECIAL_ID"/>
>          <fk-pointing-to-element-class column="PRODUCT_ID"/>
>     </collection-descriptor>    
> </class-descriptor>
> <class-descriptor class="com.dm.beans.activity.ActivitySpecial"
> table="activity_special">
>     <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER"
> primarykey="true" nullable="false"/>
>     <field-descriptor name="minPersons" column="MIN_PERSONS"
> jdbc-type="INTEGER" />
>     <field-descriptor name="maxPersons" column="MAX_PERSONS"
> jdbc-type="INTEGER" />
>     <field-descriptor name="discount" column="DISCOUNT"
> />
>     <reference-descriptor 
>         name="super"
>         class-ref="com.dm.beans.Special"
>     >
>         <foreignkey field-ref="id"/>
>     </reference-descriptor>
> </class-descriptor>
> Database Repository Settings:
>         <jdbc-connection-descriptor 
>              jcd-alias="dataSource" 
>              default-connection="true" 
>              platform="MySQL" 
>              jdbc-level="3.0" 
>              useAutoCommit="1"
>              eager-release="false"
>              batch-mode="false"
>              jndi-datasource-name="java:comp/env/jdbc/DestinationDB"
>              ignoreAutoCommitExceptions="false">
>         <!-- alternative cache implementations, see docs section "Caching"
> -->
>         <object-cache
> class="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheTwoLevelImpl">
>             <!-- meaning of attributes, please see docs section "Caching"
> -->
>             <!-- common attributes -->
>             <attribute attribute-name="cacheExcludes" attribute-value=""/>
>             <!-- ObjectCacheTwoLevelImpl attributes -->
>             <attribute attribute-name="applicationCache"
> attribute-value="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheOSCacheImpl"/>
>             <attribute attribute-name="copyStrategy"
> ategyImpl"/>
>             <attribute attribute-name="forceProxies"
> attribute-value="false"/>
>             <!-- ObjectCacheDefaultImpl attributes -->
>             <attribute attribute-name="timeout" attribute-value="900"/>
>             <attribute attribute-name="autoSync" attribute-value="true"/>
>             <attribute attribute-name="cachingKeyType"
>             <attribute attribute-name="useSoftReferences"
> attribute-value="true"/>
>         </object-cache>
>         <!-- For more info, see section "Connection Handling" in docs -->
>         <connection-pool
>             maxActive="30"
>             validationQuery="select 1 from supplier_type;"
>             testOnBorrow="true"
>             testOnReturn="false"
>             whenExhaustedAction="0"
>             maxWait="10000">
>             <!-- Set fetchSize to 0 to use driver's default. -->
>             <attribute attribute-name="fetchSize" attribute-value="0"/>
>             <!-- Attributes with name prefix "jdbc." are passed directly
> the JDBC driver. -->
>             <!-- Example setting (used by Oracle driver when Statement
> batching is enabled) -->
>             <attribute attribute-name="jdbc.defaultBatchValue"
> attribute-value="5"/>
>             <!-- Attributes determining if ConnectionFactoryDBCPImpl
>                  should also pool PreparedStatement. This is
> programmatically disabled
>                  when using platform=Oracle9i since Oracle statement
> will conflict
>                  with DBCP ObjectPool-based PreparepdStatement caching (ie
> setting true
>                  here has no effect for Oracle9i platform). -->
>             <attribute attribute-name="dbcp.poolPreparedStatements"
> attribute-value="false"/>
>             <attribute attribute-name="dbcp.maxOpenPreparedStatements"
> attribute-value="10"/>
>             <!-- Attribute determining if the Commons DBCP connection
> wrapper will allow
>                  access to the underlying concrete Connection instance
> the JDBC-driver
>                  (normally this is not allowed, like in J2EE-containers
> using wrappers). -->
>             <attribute
> attribute-name="dbcp.accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed"
> attribute-value="false"/>
>         </connection-pool>
>         <!-- alternative sequence manager implementations, see "Sequence
> Manager" guide -->
>         <sequence-manager
>             <!-- attributes supported by SequenceManagerHighLowImpl,
>             SequenceManagerInMemoryImpl, SequenceManagerNextValImpl
>             please see "Sequence Manager" guide or/and javadoc of class
> more information -->
>             <attribute attribute-name="seq.start" attribute-value="1"/>
>             <attribute attribute-name="autoNaming"
>             <!-- attributes supported by SequenceManagerHighLowImpl
>             please see "Sequence Manager" guide or/and javadoc of classes
> for more information -->
>             <attribute attribute-name="grabSize" attribute-value="1"/>
>             <!-- optional attributes supported by
> (support depends
>             on the used database), please see "Sequence Manager" guide
> or/and javadoc of
>             classes for more information -->
>             <!-- attribute attribute-name="seq.as"
> attribute-value="INTEGER"/ -->
>             <!-- attribute attribute-name="seq.incrementBy"
> attribute-value="1"/ -->
>             <!-- attribute attribute-name="seq.maxValue"
> attribute-value="999999999999999999999999999"/ -->
>             <!-- attribute attribute-name="seq.minValue"
> attribute-value="1"/ -->
>             <!-- attribute attribute-name="seq.cycle"
> attribute-value="false"/ -->
>             <!-- attribute attribute-name="seq.cache"
> -->
>             <!-- attribute attribute-name="seq.order"
> attribute-value="false"/ -->
>         </sequence-manager>
> Regards,
> Chris

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