Hi Armin,
        I'm not using p6spy, but I removed all p6spy *.jars and *.properties
files and still the same result. I'm going to have to dissect this portion
of my project and see if it can figure it out, this is really nagging me. I
will let you know.


-----Original Message-----
From: Armin Waibel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 10:55 PM
To: OJB Users List
Subject: Re: OJB and the X-Files... :)

Hi Christopher,

Christopher Lowe wrote:
> Hi Armin,
> Thanks for the tip about building the identity objects. I do agree that my
> problem sounds similar to OJB-63. I'm using code downloaded from the SVN
> OJB_1_0_RELEASE branch as of 23rd of this month. Like what is described in
> OJB-63 when I have
> I can see the correct sql being generated with the "clazz_" column in the
> ResultSet and hence the correct class is created. However when I turn
> debugging off for this class, i.e I set it to
> the super class is generated. I tried changing the loglevel for the other
> jdbc access querying and object materialization class entries in the
> OJB-logging.properties file and only setting the loglevel to DEBUG for
> SqlGeneratorDefaultImpl works. This is rather strange to me.

This is strange for me too. Did you enable p6spy while executing the 
Query? If yes, please run your test again without p6spy.


> Please advice,
> thank you.
> Regards,
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Armin Waibel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 10:20 PM
> To: OJB Users List
> Subject: Re: OJB and the X-Files... :)
> Hi Chris,
> Christopher Lowe wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I have a simple inheritance relationship between a Special and
>> ActivitySpecial. I'm using proxies throughout my project with the cglib
>> proxy factory and indirection handler (I'm also using the broker API).
>> performing a simple query to find an activity special as follows:
>> Special special = (Special) broker.getObjectByIdentity(new Identity(new
>> Special(24), broker));
>> log.debug("Special: " + special);
> It's recommended to use the service class IdentityFactory to build the 
> Identity and lookup persistent objects.
> ary+key
>> Now here is the catch. When I set
>> in the OJB-logging.properties file everything works fine. The correct
> object
>> is materialized and when the debug statement is printed out the correct
>> class ActivitySpecial is present. However when I set
>> the object that is materialized is Special. This is really weird
>> Does anyone have an idea why this would occur? 
> this sounds like OJB-63
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OJB-63
> and was fixed for OJB 1.0.4. Do you use the latest version of OJB?
> regards,
> Armin
>> I've included the mappings
>> for the classes mentioned above as well as the entries I have for my
>> database repository. 
>> Mappings:
>> <class-descriptor class="com.dm.beans.Special" table="special">
>>     <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>> primarykey="true" nullable="false" autoincrement="true"/>
>>     <field-descriptor name="supplierId" column="SUPPLIER_ID"
>> jdbc-type="INTEGER" />    
>>     <field-descriptor name="name" column="NAME" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
>>     <field-descriptor name="ackOptLock" column="ACK_OPT_LOCK"
>> jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true"/>
>>     <reference-descriptor 
>>         name="supplier" 
>>         class-ref="com.dm.beans.suppliers.Supplier" 
>>         proxy="true" 
>>         auto-update="link" 
>>         auto-delete="none"
>>     >
>>         <foreignkey field-ref="supplierId"/>
>>     </reference-descriptor>        
>>     <collection-descriptor
>>          name="products"
>>          element-class-ref="com.dm.beans.Product"
>>          auto-update="link"
>>          auto-delete="link"
>>          proxy="true"
>>          indirection-table="product_special"
>>     >
>>          <fk-pointing-to-this-class column="SPECIAL_ID"/>
>>          <fk-pointing-to-element-class column="PRODUCT_ID"/>
>>     </collection-descriptor>    
>> </class-descriptor>
>> <class-descriptor class="com.dm.beans.activity.ActivitySpecial"
>> table="activity_special">
>>     <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>> primarykey="true" nullable="false"/>
>>     <field-descriptor name="minPersons" column="MIN_PERSONS"
>> jdbc-type="INTEGER" />
>>     <field-descriptor name="maxPersons" column="MAX_PERSONS"
>> jdbc-type="INTEGER" />
>>     <field-descriptor name="discount" column="DISCOUNT"
> jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
>> />
>>     <reference-descriptor 
>>         name="super"
>>         class-ref="com.dm.beans.Special"
>>     >
>>         <foreignkey field-ref="id"/>
>>     </reference-descriptor>
>> </class-descriptor>
>> Database Repository Settings:
>>         <jdbc-connection-descriptor 
>>              jcd-alias="dataSource" 
>>              default-connection="true" 
>>              platform="MySQL" 
>>              jdbc-level="3.0" 
>>              useAutoCommit="1"
>>              eager-release="false"
>>              batch-mode="false"
>>              jndi-datasource-name="java:comp/env/jdbc/DestinationDB"
>>              ignoreAutoCommitExceptions="false">
>>         <!-- alternative cache implementations, see docs section
>> -->
>>         <object-cache
>> class="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheTwoLevelImpl">
>>             <!-- meaning of attributes, please see docs section "Caching"
>> -->
>>             <!-- common attributes -->
>>             <attribute attribute-name="cacheExcludes"
>>             <!-- ObjectCacheTwoLevelImpl attributes -->
>>             <attribute attribute-name="applicationCache"
>> attribute-value="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheOSCacheImpl"/>
>>             <attribute attribute-name="copyStrategy"
>> ategyImpl"/>
>>             <attribute attribute-name="forceProxies"
>> attribute-value="false"/>
>>             <!-- ObjectCacheDefaultImpl attributes -->
>>             <attribute attribute-name="timeout" attribute-value="900"/>
>>             <attribute attribute-name="autoSync" attribute-value="true"/>
>>             <attribute attribute-name="cachingKeyType"
> attribute-value="0"/>
>>             <attribute attribute-name="useSoftReferences"
>> attribute-value="true"/>
>>         </object-cache>
>>         <!-- For more info, see section "Connection Handling" in docs -->
>>         <connection-pool
>>             maxActive="30"
>>             validationQuery="select 1 from supplier_type;"
>>             testOnBorrow="true"
>>             testOnReturn="false"
>>             whenExhaustedAction="0"
>>             maxWait="10000">
>>             <!-- Set fetchSize to 0 to use driver's default. -->
>>             <attribute attribute-name="fetchSize" attribute-value="0"/>
>>             <!-- Attributes with name prefix "jdbc." are passed directly
> to
>> the JDBC driver. -->
>>             <!-- Example setting (used by Oracle driver when Statement
>> batching is enabled) -->
>>             <attribute attribute-name="jdbc.defaultBatchValue"
>> attribute-value="5"/>
>>             <!-- Attributes determining if ConnectionFactoryDBCPImpl
>>                  should also pool PreparedStatement. This is
>> programmatically disabled
>>                  when using platform=Oracle9i since Oracle statement
> caching
>> will conflict
>>                  with DBCP ObjectPool-based PreparepdStatement caching
>> setting true
>>                  here has no effect for Oracle9i platform). -->
>>             <attribute attribute-name="dbcp.poolPreparedStatements"
>> attribute-value="false"/>
>>             <attribute attribute-name="dbcp.maxOpenPreparedStatements"
>> attribute-value="10"/>
>>             <!-- Attribute determining if the Commons DBCP connection
>> wrapper will allow
>>                  access to the underlying concrete Connection instance
> from
>> the JDBC-driver
>>                  (normally this is not allowed, like in J2EE-containers
>> using wrappers). -->
>>             <attribute
>> attribute-name="dbcp.accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed"
>> attribute-value="false"/>
>>         </connection-pool>
>>         <!-- alternative sequence manager implementations, see "Sequence
>> Manager" guide -->
>>         <sequence-manager
>>             <!-- attributes supported by SequenceManagerHighLowImpl,
>>             SequenceManagerInMemoryImpl, SequenceManagerNextValImpl
>>             please see "Sequence Manager" guide or/and javadoc of class
> for
>> more information -->
>>             <attribute attribute-name="seq.start" attribute-value="1"/>
>>             <attribute attribute-name="autoNaming"
> attribute-value="true"/>
>>             <!-- attributes supported by SequenceManagerHighLowImpl
>>             please see "Sequence Manager" guide or/and javadoc of classes
>> for more information -->
>>             <attribute attribute-name="grabSize" attribute-value="1"/>
>>             <!-- optional attributes supported by
> SequenceManagerNextValImpl
>> (support depends
>>             on the used database), please see "Sequence Manager" guide
>> or/and javadoc of
>>             classes for more information -->
>>             <!-- attribute attribute-name="seq.as"
>> attribute-value="INTEGER"/ -->
>>             <!-- attribute attribute-name="seq.incrementBy"
>> attribute-value="1"/ -->
>>             <!-- attribute attribute-name="seq.maxValue"
>> attribute-value="999999999999999999999999999"/ -->
>>             <!-- attribute attribute-name="seq.minValue"
>> attribute-value="1"/ -->
>>             <!-- attribute attribute-name="seq.cycle"
>> attribute-value="false"/ -->
>>             <!-- attribute attribute-name="seq.cache"
> attribute-value="20"/
>> -->
>>             <!-- attribute attribute-name="seq.order"
>> attribute-value="false"/ -->
>>         </sequence-manager>
>> Regards,
>> Chris
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