Hi Armin,

In fact, i looked at the DB connections in the DB console. It was a bad
idea, because connection disappear !! I looked with netstat -a , and i saw
several sockets/connections...

Well, i was experiencing some freezes with these connections with a pool
setup maxActive set to -1. I didn't find any documentation on that value.
What i known is that, when i put 0 (no limit), it seems there is no more

Can you ligth up me about that.



On 5/5/06, Armin Waibel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Bruno,

Bruno CROS wrote:
>     Hi,
>  I have a strange behaviour about the second database i use. It seems
> using "broker =
> PersistenceBrokerFactory.createPersistenceBroker("rushDb");"
> always return the same broker/connection.
> My connection pool is setup as it have to keep 2 idle connections
> available, and it never occured. Still only one.
> How can i use several connection in this case?
> Note that this database is not not use to update datas. No transaction
> used on it.

how do you test this behavior? Please setup a test and lookup for two PB
instances at the same time:

broker_A = PersistenceBrokerFactory.createPersistenceBroker("rushDb");
broker_B = PersistenceBrokerFactory.createPersistenceBroker("rushDb");

Are A and B really the same broker instances? If you execute a query on
both broker instances (don't close the broker after it) and then lookup
the Connection from A and B - are the connections the same?


> Thanks.
> Here's my connection setup.
>    <jdbc-connection-descriptor
>     jcd-alias="rushDb"
>     default-connection="false"
>     platform="MsSQLServer"
>     jdbc-level="2.0"
>     driver="com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver"
>     protocol="JDBC"
>     subprotocol="microsoft:sqlserver"
>     dbalias="//xxx.x.x.x:1433"
>     username="xxxx"
>     password="xxxx"
>     batch-mode="true"
>        useAutoCommit="0"
>        ignoreAutoCommitExceptions="true"
>     >
> and pool setup :
>            maxActive="5"
>           maxIdle="-1"
>            minIdle="2"
>            maxWait="5000"
>            whenExhaustedAction="2"
>            validationQuery="SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
>            testOnBorrow="true"
>            testOnReturn="false"
>            testWhileIdle="true"
>            timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis="60000"
>     numTestsPerEvictionRun="2"
>            minEvictableIdleTimeMillis="1800000"
>            removedAbandonned="false"
>            removeAbandonedTimeout="300"
>            logAbandoned="true">

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