
I have a situation where we are running out of PersistenceBrokers (using 1.0.1). We have a web application which so far runs fine - but somehow some requests are causing the application not to close its PB.

We can see this when we are monitoring the used connections of mysql which are slowly growing - even if we are using ConnectionPooling. These connection are on the state SLEEP for quite a long time and seem never to be closed.

At some point the application runs out of PB (we are using size 100 of the PB-Pool).

So it seems (quite obviously) that some PBs are not cleanly handled.

Do you have any advice for us finding those leaks?

Does it do any good when we "tune" mysql that it discards connections which are quite old (via property "max_timeout")? Is OJB discaring those PBs whose connections have died ?

I am glad for any suggestions.


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