Tino Schöllhorn wrote:
Dear Armin,

thanks for your reply. I will try to integrate the finalize()-code in our PB.

Is there somewhere a document of the history of changes of OJB 1.0.1 to the current released version? I'm asking because we are thinking of moving to the current version and I want to estimate the impact to our system.

Normally all changes are documented in the release-notes.

There is only one fault in 1.0.4 release notes section. I forget to document a change in sequence/identity handling (if you force computation of unique values).

To get an impression of the changes made for the upcoming version (OJB 1.0.5, SVN OJB_1_0_RELEASE branch) have a look here


With regards

Armin Waibel wrote:
Hi Tino,

Tino Schöllhorn wrote:

I have a situation where we are running out of PersistenceBrokers (using 1.0.1). We have a web application which so far runs fine - but somehow some requests are causing the application not to close its PB.

We can see this when we are monitoring the used connections of mysql which are slowly growing - even if we are using ConnectionPooling. These connection are on the state SLEEP for quite a long time and seem never to be closed.

At some point the application runs out of PB (we are using size 100 of the PB-Pool).

So it seems (quite obviously) that some PBs are not cleanly handled.

Do you have any advice for us finding those leaks?

In current versions there is no PB leak detection. Such a feature will
be part of the next version (or try latest from SVN OJB_1_0_RELEASE branch). It would be possible to modify your 1.0.1 version to support broker leak detection. Have a look in latest PBImpl (OJB_1_0_RELEASE branch) and port the detection part in method PBimpl#setClosed and PBImpl#finalize to your class. http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/db/ojb/branches/OJB_1_0_RELEASE/src/java/org/apache/ojb/broker/core/PersistenceBrokerImpl.java?revision=398752&view=markup

Does it do any good when we "tune" mysql that it discards connections which are quite old (via property "max_timeout")? Is OJB discaring those PBs whose connections have died ?

If you correctly use the PB instances (lookup PB instance when needed, close it after use) the connection pool should handle connections in a correct way. But if you don't close PB instances after a query, the connection will still be associated with the PB instance, please see



I am glad for any suggestions.


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