
In this case you can use the ReportQueryByCriteria, the target class is only used as a starting point for building the joins. The ReportQueryByCriteria will return rows in Object [] instances for the columns you want to retrieve (declared in the String [])


Virgo Smart wrote:
I have a situation where in I need to execute SQLs on multiple tables using SQL 
JOIN (or possibly more complicated SQL). The result set contains columns from 
various tables and its difficult and possibly inappropriate for me to create 
business / persistence objects out of it. I need raw a result set or I could 
have a special class that would store the columns of the result set as HashMap 
objects (or some other flexible datastructure) such that each row would be 
represented as an element of an array/collection. I thought about writing my 
own RowReader but I am not sure if that is the right way ahead.

Could anyone please advise me on how such SQLs spanning columns from multiple table be 
handled within the OJB framework ? I have looked at a ReportQueryByCriteria class. But 
that class too requires a "target" class.

Thanks and Regards,

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